Apartment 3A (futa on futa, futa on female, vaginal, anal, oral, orgy, transformation

Story by GingerM

This just sort of popped into my head today and I had to write it...

Apartment 3A

Chapter 1 - Noisy Neighbours

© 2012 GingerM

Thump, thump, thump... Dammit, they're at it again, I cursed and looked at my clock. 3 AM. Great; I had to be up in a couple of hours. Muffled exclamations and moans accompanied the rhythmic thumping. I still hadn't met my next-door neighbours but one thing I knew; they were the Energizer bunnies of sex; they just kept going and going and going. Night after night I woke to the thumps and moans of the pair of them getting it on.

I had seen one of them, or at least I think it was one of them; I came home late one night and there she was, a tall redhead unlocking her door. I didn't actually see her – what? Roomie? Lover? Partner? I had no idea – but a pair of slim brown arms grabbed the redhead and pulled her inside as the door thudded closed behind them. I had simply shaken my head and gotten the mail, then unlocked my door. Five minutes later, the wall between our units was shaking and I could hear them through the drywall.

I suppose I'd better explain a bit; I live in Apartment 3B and they live in 3A, both on the top floor, and share a wall which – at least on my side – runs along my living room and bedroom. The rest of the apartment is toward the outer wall of the building and I assume their place is basically the mirror image of mine. Unfortunately, that means their bedroom is right on the opposite side of the wall from mine, so I get to hear their bedroom escapades, every night.

It was really pissing me off because the apartment was one of the few I could afford and it was otherwise a nice place. Heck, for that matter, I didn't know my neighbours weren't nice; their only fault was their taste for noisy, prolonged sex at all hours of the night. Well, and that they didn't seem to care who heard them, either. However, it was a problem, because they kept waking me up. I don't know what they did for a living, but apparently they could sleep in if they were fucking like that at 3 in the morning.

The problem is I don't like confrontation. I know, I'm a wuss. I get enough confrontation at work; being a woman in the engineering world isn't easy. First, there's the guys who leer at you or make what they think are terribly funny remarks; then there's their choices in art, which usually involves provocatively-posed women in little or no clothing. I swear, engineers are boys who never really grew up. It didn't help that my inclination doesn't run toward men, either. I'm sorry, but I like women. I like some men as friends, but I just never got into men the way other girls my age did. And I was a gangling kid, all braces and buck teeth, even in high school, so I never worked up the nerve to approach another girl.

Going by the comments – intended as compliments, I'm