Linda's Slave (futa-loli/shota, futa/shota, slavery)

Story by jocman

This story was inspired by "Ginny" by Zep. I thought his story was really good but I wanted to do more with it.

Links to "Ginny"

Part 1

Part 2

There will be sex involving minors throughout the story. The first two chapters will be similar to the first two chapters in "Ginny" but it will become different as more chapters come. Feedback is appreciated.

It was a cold night in Montana for young Timmy. He was only 10 years old and he was being escorted to a large truck, sold into slavery. His parents gave them one final hug before the official took the boy away from them. The country has changed drastically.

The year is 2020. In 2013, a law was passed that made slavery legal in the United States for the first time in almost 150 years. The economy had gotten so bad that going back to slavery was the country's last resort. Now anyone can be a slave but you have to be sold into it. It was mainly done by parents who were too poor to care for their children. Child slaves were usually sold for 20,000 dollars. It was mainly the wealthy that could afford slaves so it drove the parents to give their children a potentially better life. Another law was passed that prevented slaves to be treated with cruelty. Slaves would normally either be labor, sexual, or both.

Timmy was in the back of the truck to see other slaves (old and young, male and female) in the truck with him. Timmy was an average white 10 year old. He was 4'6'' with black hair that went past his ears. He had a sort of feminine face with round, rosy cheeks.

They arrived at a warehouse that also had a runway for planes. Timmy was shackled with other young male slaves as they were led into a small room. The official that took him was there as he held a clipboard. He held a camera and proceeded to take pictures of all of them. He then went to his office to upload all the pictures onto their website where you could purchase slaves.

Timmy and the rest of the young males were led into a large area that had cots, enough for them all, and a bathroom with a working toilet. They were also given small rations of bread and water to eat. Timmy ate his and went to sleep on the cold, uncomfortable cot.

The very next morning, Timmy was woken up by the official. He had a kind of wiked smile to his face.

"Good news, boy," the official said. "You've been purchased by a man who lives in California, you're very lucky."

Timmy was shackled and helped onto his feet and led into large crate. He had enough room to lie down in it and airholes were in it so he could breathe. The van started up and left the warehouse where Timmy would go to his new owners to start his new life as a child slave. He was feeling a mix of both excitement and fear.


It was a sunny, Spring day in San Diego, California. Linda Al