"Tales of Thera" or "How I try to create a new world"

Story by Smartin

Hello, my name is Smartin and I'm a long-time lurker in FP.

I always wanted to write a story on my own, but I simply never made an effort until now, because I was too ashamed of my bad english (no, it hasn't become better, but I decided to try it anyway). And even now, I can't offer a sexy story for your recreation, sorry about that. Instead, I only repeat what I did in the Games Developement forum and present only a concept to another fantasy world of the kind XYZ here:

The world Thera (oh yes, I was very creative with that name ;)) consists out of one big continent in shape of a crescent, but with all kinds of bulges and erosions. I will save me further explanations and show you a first rough draft made by Paint:



White = Snow

Lime = Grass

Brown = Mountains

Green = Forest

Red = Volcano

Yellow = Desert

Blue = Sea

As a stereotypical fantasy world Thera also has all kind of stereotypical cultures. Vikings, Moors, Eastern, Medieval Europeans, Indians, Amazons, you call it, it may be there in one form or another.

There are also of course all kind of races, like elves or dwarfes, but differently from other fantasy stories, all of them are considered "humans", while "normal" humans like you and me are a race called "Cals". They have the advantage of being highly adaptable, also sexually, but they are very susceptible to magical changes and corruption, too, and very popular as breeders for races with a low birthrate.

Of course, there is "magic", too, or better said, a powerful creation energy, which allows to manifest Will. If you want to do something on Thera, this energy can make it happen, depending how strong the will is and how high the frequency of the energy. There are three levels of frequency: Am, Om and Um.


An example:

At night you have been lost in the woods and you tries to make a fire, but the firewood is wet and you don't have any utilities like oil or paper.

If the energy in the enviroment is at an Am frequency, you are screwed and the best thing you can hope for is to make a little glow with your firewood unless you have a really, really strong will, in that case you could make indeed a small flame.

At an Om frequency, you can actually make a normal fire as if the firewood were dry.

And at an Um frequency, you only need to think about making a fire to set the wood ablaze!


Of course that means, that at an Um frequency anything can and WILL happen and if you don't pay attention you will light yourself up with a false thought. No wonder that usually people in Thera forgoes areas with an Um frequency, while places with an Om frequency are considered as holy places. (They don't actually say "This place has an Um frequency" or "that one has an Om frequency", just "This place is full of Um" or "That one has a lot of Om")

So, and how does hermaphrodites fits here?