I Was Just Curious!.......Brand new Futa on sister incest!!!

Story by cuteycindyhoney

I Was Just Curious!

Cindy is an ordinary eighteen year old girl. Her big sister Sherry is perhaps a bit on the extraordinary. Sherry is a fully functional hermaphrodite. Read on to learn just what happens when Cindy gets a bit carried away in teasing her beloved big sister.


I Was Just Curious!

By Honey Moon

I know nobody will believe me, but I swear it wasn't

supposed to be like this! I never planned on anything happening

just because I was curious! Honest! Shit! Sherry just ran another

red light! She's driving like a madwoman! Calm down! Calm

down! Let me go back and try to explain. Anything to keep my

mind off of my sister driving like she's in a Play station game!

Okay, that's more like it. My heart is slowing down a little.

I'm Cindy, and yes, I'm eighteen. I'll be nineteen in three months,

so if you figure out who I really am, send a present! Anyway, I live

with my big sister Sherry. She's twenty-six. Sherry's taken care of

me since momma and daddy died when I was a little ten–year-old

brat. Yes it was awful back then, but we had each other. It could

have been so much worse if Sherry was younger, or momma and

daddy hadn't left us both trust funds to pay for everything.

Yes, we managed just fine! Sherry put herself through

college while making sure I did all my homework and all that other

boring crap! I did my part too! Every day I got home from school,

I did the laundry and made sure our apartment was clean and neat.

I'm the better cook, so Sherry made out in the department! I

haven't let her touch MY kitchen since I was twelve! If I let her

boil water, I bet she'd find a way to burn it!

Sometimes I feel a little bad for Sherry. She's so pretty and

nice, but never goes out on dates or anything. Having a kid sister

inhibits her, I think. Either that, or she thinks I'll feel abandoned if

she ever found someone special to love. Me, on the other hand,

I've had a couple very close girlfriends. Oh grow up! I'm a lesbian,

big deal! Why do guys always get so nutty if they hear a girl say

she prefers the company of another girl? I once punched Ricky

Conner right in the nose because he said it was such a shame I

wasted such a sexy body on another dyke! The dumb ass dragged

me right out of the closet in tenth grade! Sherry was furious that I

broke his nose, until I started crying and told her why. His parents

threatened to sue until Sherry informed them of his sexual

harassment! You should have seen her! It was like something out

of a movie, the way she tore into them! I guess they didn't want

their precious fifteen-year-old baby branded as a sexual offender.

They shut up real fast! Sherry has backed me up one hundred

percent on my preference ever since. I guess it's because she has

her own little secret she wants to keep.

Yes, Sherry and I get along great, and love each other more

then anything. That doesn't mean I don't like to have a little bit of

fun! Ever since