
Story by reddragonrubi

This is my first attempt at writing here. The first chapter doesn't contain any sexual situations, it's just a launching point for the rest. Please leave comments. Someone wise once told me that comments give you confidence. Even bad ones let you know what kinds of mistakes you're making and what you can do to get better.


Dawn was breaking slowly over the horizon as the village of Lazari bustled even in such early hours. These days travelers were lighter than normal, but they still came and went. The fall was unusually cold, winter coming earlier than expected, so the populace was working from sunrise to sunset to get the village ready for the heavy winter.

The house of Adrian Evermore was well lit as the inhabitants readied for the day. From the front door the oldest child, Vella stepped into the crisp morning. Her favorite cloak was pretty thick, despite the light clothing she wore under it. Right behind her was Ethan, her baby brother.

“I don’t know why you go to the woods every day.” Ethan asked.

Vella smiled gently as she bent over to kiss the ten year old on the forehead, brushing a hand through his brown hair gently. In the spring he would be shipping off to join their brothers at the knight academy in the capital. Their grandfather had been well respected for his swordsmanship, and had insured his heirs would be sent to the academy. Even if their father had brought shame to their name, their mother had managed to insure that her boys could go to the academy.

Vella, on the other hand, could not attend. It was a boy’s club, no girls allowed among their ranks. So she was condemned to the life before her, caring for her brothers after their mother’s passing, and helping out around the village to get by.

“I go to the woods every day so you can get used to being alone for a bit at a time. Besides someone has to bring food back, or make you clothing.” she teased.

Her brown eyes searched his as she tried to comfort him. She knew he wasn’t ready. Her brothers had worked with her, learning to fight. She was the only one old enough to have known her grandfather, and had learned a few things from him in the ways of combat. None of her brothers had ever beaten her, but she was happy with the progress they made. Ethan, however, wasn’t as strong as they were. He had more of his mother in him than their grandfather, and thankfully none of their idiot father.

“Just be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt! You still have to teach me Grandpa’s secret.” Ethan said.

“Grandpa’s secret was very simple. He was the best for one reason, and one reason alone. And that reason… I’ll tell you when I get back. Get to your chores, and when I come home I’ll show you everything he taught me