Story: Of Princesses & Maids (Shemale on female, power abuse, willing submission)

Story by Swany

Hello everyone! This is my first story for the palace, it's a tad more vanilla then I normally like but I thought I'd start off small and build up to the more freaky kinks. This story takes place in medieval era and focuses a bit on abuse of power (a personal favorite) and willing submission. Well semi willing, you'll have to read it and make that judgment for yourself. Anyway I hope everyone enjoys it, I had fun writing this one. It took on a bit of a life of it's own which I take as a good sign. :wee(24):

Wenary hated being in the halls of the great castle after dark. The torches flickered and crackled on the gray stone walls, their warm light desperately trying to claw up to the high vaulted ceiling only to be swallowed up by the unnaturally inky blackness. Shivering from the chill of the cavernous corridor she tucked her hands into the folds of her ruffled maids uniform and tried to move on without thinking of the imposing black canopy looming over head. There where real dangers for a young maid alone in these halls in the dead of the night, she could hardly afford to be distracted by what her fear addled imagination might conjure lurking in the darkness.

A abrupt clamor from the far end of the dimly lit corridor immediately snapped her attention directly ahead. Voices. The castle guard of course. Wenary had hoped that if she hurried she would be able to avoid them all together, but it seems that her fear had caused her to drag her feet. The guardsmen where on edge at night, it was the most dangerous shift in the castle after all. Hiding from them would just make matters worse, especially given that she belonged in the castle and wasn't doing anything she wasn't suppose to. She tugged at the hem of her white apron nervously as the voices came closer, if they did see her they very well might decide that a pretty young maid would be just the thing to take the edge off what was bound to be a long and other wise unpleasant night. Panic began to creep into her mind as she stood there perfectly still in the hall silently listening, hoping desperately that they might turn down another corridor before they reached her.

". . . your god damn fault, don't whine about it to me! Figures I'd have to be in the room with you when the captain came to chew you out, I should beat the snot outa you for getting me involved you know!"

"I'd dare you to try it! Everyone knows your all bluster and no fury. Waste of air you are!"

The bickering guards flung open a heavy iron framed wooden door and stomped through noisily, growling obscenities at each other as the went. The ramparts? They must of been assigned to a tower as a punishment for whatever they where going on about. Wenary breathed a sigh of relief before hurriedly bounding down the hall, eager to to get to the welcoming comfort of the shared maids chambers.

There was no door on this entrance to the