Lexi Goes Back to School

Story by mousie

Note: I might later add fetishes and tags that aren't planned right now, so check each section. If I go into something that you think ought to be tagged but isn't please let me know.

This is in some ways a prequel to How Penny Lost Her Boyfriend (which I'm really not planning on working on at the moment). The story follows the same oversexed futa, Lexi Pierce, from the first one, but at a much younger and more awkward age. I'm trying much more for realism and character development with this story, so don't expect some of the wilder kinks. You can think of this story as backstory to my other, but the other story isn't necessarily the future of this.

Anything to help me improve is welcome :) It's kind of late as I post this, so I have a feeling my proofreading might have sucked.

Part One: Back to School

Elaine unlocked the large filing-cabinet-style drawer at the bottom of her desk, and pulled out her purse. It was only her second year teaching, but she’d taken the advice of older teachers and always made sure to keep her personal belongings under lock and key. Middle-schoolers could look innocent, but even as a second-year teacher she knew not to trust how they look. Elaine thought she had a nice batch of kids this year, but she knew the age, and knew they only way to be sure to keep them nice was to not allow them the chance to do wrong.

She hadn’t let herself look at her phone during the work day, but now that her papers were done for the day and she was ready to go home, she just couldn’t contain herself any longer. Sure, she could have looked at it during her lunch or planning period, but… well… Principal Sledge somehow found out that Elaine had earned her way through college by working at a strip club, and while the elder woman had been pleasant about it, she made it quite clear that Elaine was expected to maintain her moral standards during school hours.

The admonition might have been offensive in other contexts, but last year Elaine was fairly sure that at least one of her student’s fathers had been one of her regular customers. She never wore her glasses on stage, and all the lights in the otherwise-dark club pointed at her, so she couldn’t be that sure of her former customers’ faces, but… the way he acted at the parent-teacher conference implied a shared secret.

It was lucky that the man’s wife didn’t think Elaine had been cheating with him. Allowing herself a moment of pride, Elaine jokingly thought that with as randy as she often was, it was very likely that she had cheated with him.

But as she began flipping through pictures on her phone, Elaine smiled with the assurance that if she’d ever had a tr