LINTY CUMS HOME 3 (Oh you know!)--read the other two--there good!))

Story by misfit446

Linty woke with a spine cracking stretch and a satisfied groan. Sitting up and swinging her legs off her bed she looked down at herself. Her brow crinkled up.

Cock out and hanging? CHECK. Balls full and wobbly about mid thigh? CHECK. Five toes on each foot? CHECK. What puzzled Linty wasn't her physical attributes. It was her shorts. They were on backwards!

"How the hell did I do that?" she asked aloud and stood, unable to stifle a jaw cracking yawn.

She made it down to breakfast easily only to find her mother Alex no where to be found. 'What is going on?' she thought. First the library then the secret meeting between her father-mother-whatever and Lamedh, then Sam leaving for 'business'. And now no mother-daughter arguing? Turning she went back upstairs and walked to her closed parent's bedroom door. Intending to knock she just burst in. Alex was lying on her stomach, her negligee up over her naked ass.

"Oh gross," Linty moaned. Averting her eyes as much as possible she stepped to the bed and shook her mother's shoulder.

A deep groan came from under the pillow. Another forceful shake and Alex began to stir. Turning her head and pulling the pillow off her wild bed head hair, she opened one eye.

"H-high honey. Guess I overslept," Alex rasped out as she wiped spittle from her cheek. "You want me to get you something to eat?"

'She looks like she got run over by a bus,' Linty thought amusingly. "No, just wanted to make sure you're okay."

"Oh, yeah. Maybe another hour. I was having a very nice dream."

"I'm gonna bike out by the park. Okay?"

"Whatever you say honey. Be safe." And a light snore punctuated that sentiment.

Linty shook her head in wonder and headed out.

The sun was shining, the birds were singing and the murmured din of distant busy traffic made Linty feel right at home. She pedaled down her suburban cookie cutter block and turned toward Bellewood Park.

It was a large semi urban park. She remembered playing there when she was younger---and smaller in the crotch.

Across Adams Ave, past Dreme's bakery, Mr. Toyoda's music store and Kobelski's deli. Again, across 1st Street and there was the large park. Swing sets, slides, picnic benches, a soccer field, jogging trails and lot's of huge trees providing a nice canopy across the groomed grass.

Linty parked her bike in a nearby rack and locked it. Seeing the trails, she began walking the wood chipped path. Several runners past by, all male. One was even cute!

Her mind began to drift to her experience at summer camp. The friends she made, the fun she had, the frustration she felt. Then there was Lamedh.


Linty stiffened at hearing her hellish hitchhiker. "Um sorry," she mumbled out loud.

The smell of the trees, the flowers, the damp and mulching wood chips made Linty feel alive and safe.

Turning a bend in the trail she saw an attractive older woman jogging toward her. She was built. Big tits zipped up in a white hoodie, black sp