Being Rachael (futa/female, incest)

Story by Lorelei

Rachael and Jessica Winters were twin siblings, identical in all but one respect. Both were black haired young girls with dark hazel eyes, but while Jessica was an ordinary teenage girl, Rachael was anything but ordinary.

Rachael was a hermaphrodite. Whilst she was completely female in all other respects, Rachael had been born with a fully functioning penis between her legs in place of a vagina. There were things that one could tell were simply meant to be, just from watching. This was one of those things. Rachael could not be happier with her body. In her mind, it was utter perfection and she would not change a thing about it. Each morning, she would linger for a moment in front of her mirror, simply to admire her voluptuous form, toned from her many martial arts lessons. Everything about Rachael screamed dominance. This was not purely physical, since Jessica does not have this quality, though her black belt in karate speaks for Rachael's forceful personality. She wore her hair in a ponytail that fell down to her waist and when not in school uniform, she typically likes to wear a white tank top and a black miniskirt. Beneath these articles of clothing can be found a black sports bra and a matching pair of stretch boxers that exposed her phallic bulge.

Her "gift" was no secret. Everyone at school knew about Rachael's sexual organs. What not everyone did know was how often those organs were actually used. Jessica had heard whispers that she refrained from repeating to their parents, but Rachael has had a wild sexual history with both boys and girls alike. At a young age, Rachael had stared into the darkness of her soul, looked her demon in the eye and decided that she liked that side of herself. She was at peace with that. She didn't care about taboo or what was "right", it simply didn't matter to her. Rachael felt as if she was a demon in human flesh and that thrilled her to the core. As she entered puberty, she indulged her sexuality at every opportunity, tasting all that the world had to offer. It wasn't difficult, after all. Rachael quickly discovered that bad people were generally well liked, paradoxically, meaning that people were able to look past her unusual physiology or rather, appreciate it all the more because of the person wearing it.

Though she was very much an aggressive personality, Rachael was far from stupid. Not everyone saw it, but Rachael was quite the geek and her grades spoke for it, which no doubt helped distract her parents from her less than "wholesome" lifestyle outside of the classroom. Though she made sure that those she slept with were sensible enough to use protection one way or another, one of Rachael's deep abiding fantasies was of knocking someone up using her cock. Especially Jessica. Rachael liked to imagine herself as being like the biblical Lilith or Lovecraft's Shub-Niggurath, the Mother of a Thousand Young.

As for Jessica, Rachael har