King/Soul stories and extra episodes

Story by Thesamuraiking

Moonlight Assassin

A King/Soul story

Chapter 1

Summer came early that year. Even in the darkness of night, the heat held its bite. It was business as usual in the Nation’s Capital, heat or no heat. People heading home from a long day of work, others were leaving for the night shift and so on. The Cherry Blossom Festival was still a few days away so there were not many tourists yet.

A small section of Eastern Avenue’s sidewalk was closed off by yellow Police Tape. A single Police Cruiser and Ambulance sat in front, their sirens off.

I sighed and put my hands in my pockets and walked over. I produced my “I’m from the Government so fuck off” badge to the officer. Poor kid nearly panicked. Must be a newbie who never had to deal with a Government Official before. The rookie cop looked behind me and stammered “A-and you, ma’am?”

I looked behind me to see a gorgeous Chinese woman pull out her own badge. She wore her shoulder length black hair in a loose ponytail. She was clad is a loose T-shirt that stated: “Mornings are Evil” in big, R.L Stein font. She had added blue jeans to complete her ensemble. Neither clothing did a thing to hide her amazing figure.

It was pretty obvious she had just got out of bed. Either that or she was purposely wearing the t-shirt as an opposite to my own short sleeved white dress shirt and black tie. Maybe she was just acting the ‘rebel’ to my ‘conformity’.

Her lovely Jade eyes glared at the rookie cop as she said, “I’m with him”

With that, she walked up next to me. I grinned at my wife.

“You know, Mingyu…” I began, but she cut me off.

“I swear to Nuwa, Sean. Finish that sentence and you get a sword to the knee.”

“Yes, dear” I said, unable to hide my grin.

As we walked up to the police tape, a rotten barbecue smell found its way into my nose. It was…a rough scent to get used to. My grin faded as we got to the cause of the not-so wonderful smell. It was so burnt that you could hardly call it a corpse anymore. It was more charred skeleton than anything. It used to be a male, I think.

“So who ordered their Vampire extra crispy?” the man kneeling behind the corpse joked. The man had messy black hair and the stubble on his chin made him look ruggedly handsome. His suit was like mine, only all black. His grey