Male into Futa?

Story by RandomEntity

First off, I'd like to say that I've been coming here for several years now largely for the stories rather than the pics. Thank you, authors of Futa Palace. :)

Now then, I do have a question; where are the stories that feature some male characters turning futa? I see so many that are female into futa, and while that is still plenty cool in its own right, I've only rarely seen stories that include a male getting 'futa-ized'.

I mean, I love reading about an attractive woman gaining 'something extra' as much as the next futa fan, but there's also the other side of it. Reading about something that's a bit more able to related to on a personal basis, seeing as how I myself am male. It's nice to be able to think of myself in that character's place, ya know?

This isn't a request thread per se, nor an actual complaint, but more of a question based on a bit of observation is all.

So, would anyone happen to know of some good stories that do feature male into futa? I try doing searches, both on here and on Google itself...and all I ever get back is 'male on futa'. Clearly my google-fu is weak. :p

My apologies if the mods consider this to be spam in this forum, but I didn't know if putting it in Discussion would've been appropriate, either.