The Test Subject (Dog on male, Male insertion, Extreme, Inflation, Femdom, CBT)

Story by futaloverxiii

Hey guys this is my second story, the other being in this thread:

It is going to be multiple chapter (don't know how many) and contains Dog on male, Male insertion, Extreme, Inflation, Femdom, and CBT. You can review or not, but since I write for myself, I don't really care either way. I'm not one of those guys that says, review or I won't continue. I write because I love to write, just like many of you.

My keyboard is a little messed up, so there may be a few spelling mistakes, where letters are left out. If it is still a word the spell check won't find it.

Anyway here you go:

Chapter One: Getting Prepared. (Unintentional CBT, Extreme Anal(Male), Femdom, Mechanical Contraption, Cum Inflation, Unwilling Male)

The Test Subject

“Where am I,” Jake thought to himself, opening his groggy eyes. The last thing he could remember was agreeing to be a test subject for some massage type experiment. It paid $500 dollars and could potentially increase the length of his penis. He didn't think he could go wrong with a free massage, or better yet one that paid him. And he hated his penis. It was only 3 inches fully erect, if he could increase that it would be a huge bonus. Now he was in some mechanical contraption, connected to the ceiling in the form of an 'X.' Each foot was in a containment device on either side of him and. His arms were similarly inside a containment device on each side. He had a metal bar running across the front of his legs, shaped to his thighs. The room he was in was dark, he could barely make out 5 feet in any direction, and it was damp and chilly. It wasn't until then that he realized he was naked. He saw a few small red and green lights blinking throughout the room, but was too confused and scared to make anything of it.

All of a sudden the lights flashed on briefly hurting his eyes, until they got used to the brightness. “I see you’re finally awake, I didn't think you would be so susceptible to the drugs. Usually they only knock someone out for an hour or so. You were out for nearly 3 hours. Are you feeling alright?” A woman asked walking into the room, a folder in one hand and a soft drink in the other.

“Where am I, and what am I doing naked and tied up?” He replied harshly.

“What are you talking about; you’re the one who signed up for this. The only reason we drugged you was so you couldn't change your mind. All of this was in the contract. It said that once you sign there is no going back, and that you would be drugged. It explained everything in detail, didn't you read it?”

“Is this a joke, I read the whole contract, and it didn't say any of this would happen,” he replied confused.

He saw the woman open up a folder and shuffle through a few papers. “Hmm.” She shuffled through a few