Shelby's Service (shemale)

Story by Hardcover

Here's a story I've been thinking about for a long time. It didn't really come out the way I'd wanted it to, but here it is. It's about a young boy who goes to become a servant at a large mansion and finds himself drugged, hypnotized, and turned into a horny shemale. There's a little twist at the end. Please comment if you like this story, Shelby will cry if you don't.



By Hardcover

It was an overcast day in London, not that much different from any other day in the city when it wasn’t raining, when eighteen year old Shelby Blackmore turned down the street that would lead him to the Dracilla Mansion. It was there that was to find permanent employment as a servant of some kind. He was to live and work at the mansion, taking up residence as a full time employee. He grimaced at the thought of it, and how fate had cast him into this situation. He had just finished high school and had been looking forward to starting college when he’d had the rug pulled so rudely from under him.

It was not that the problems his family had been having had happened over night; no, in fact, the disintegration of his family’s situation had begun quite some time ago, as his mother, Roselyn Blackmore, had become dissatisfied with her home life and sought excitement with other men. Once Shelby’s father, Thomas, had finally found out, and being that he was a very traditional man, he began divorce proceedings against her. He wanted her out of any inheritance, and he wanted full custody of Shelby and his younger brother Harley.

But, as the fates would have it, his mother had hired a good, sharp lawyer, and without any concrete proof of the infidelity, it was a full scale war; one Shelby’s father lost badly. He was unsure of how exactly she had done it, but his mother had managed to take everything from her former husband: His money, his house, and their two children. Now, Shelby’s father lived on the other side of town, trying to scrape his life back together.

Once his mother had control of the family finances, she proceeded to lead them all into virtual financial ruin. She had also begun to drink, spending many of her days drunk and passed out, which was why Shelby had taken the bus to get here: He had a driver’s license but no car, and he wasn’t allowed to use his mother’s. To make matters worse, when his mother drank, she tended to undress; walking around the house naked and freaking out Shelby and his brother. With the very real prospect of loosing their house on the horizon, Shelby had found that his mother had basically sold him to the Dracilla Mansion. Even worse, it was understood that once Harley was old enough, he’d be joining his older brother there. In one fell swoop, both their futures had been decided for them.

He had never b