Story... Like it? or Fuck it?

Story by Evilpancake

Basically i've had a story rattling around in my head and before i even thought about putting it to paper (so to speak) i had kind of a thought. Do people really enjoy reading actual story elements here? Or is this more of a site people visit to get just the juicy bits.

I like a story, at least that's what i tell myself, but when i come here and see new stories i tend to skip to the good stuff. I guess i've had too many experiences that turned me away from most stories in an erotic work and i was wondering if it was the same for everyone else. I doubt anyone remembers it but i once put a story up here, it was received well but i had an issue with it. It started off with a certain intent, but the readers quickly asked me to NOT go in a direction i wished to take it, so i rapidly lost interest in writing it because it was not really the story i had wanted to write.

So i guess i'm just curious here if people actually like reading story elements, never posted a poll before so i may have to edit the post a few times hehe