The Tutor [Age, size, excessive cum, preg]

Story by Sheopornath

Sheopornath is gonna be away from internet access for a couple months, but the daedric prince of smut wanted to hand out a one-shot, confusing mess of an idea! Maybe someone can pick it up and run with it if they like, or maybe you can just enjoy it! Nobody knows, that's the beauty of it! Up up and away!

It was a sick, horrible plan.

However, being 25, there aren't many plans that aren't horrible. Sick is pretty subjective, too. In fact, if she really thought about it, and put herself in Stephanie's shoes, she'd be thanking herself for this plan.

It's not every day a 13 year old gets to have sex, let alone with a stunner like Jamie.

Jamie Standring was a model. Or, at least, could be. Well, maybe more like a nude model. She'd be right at home posing for Pinupglam with all of the other women like her, which is to say women with enormous breasts and nice faces. the only difference being Jamie was 100% natural, 100% unemployed and 100% focused on fucking Stephanie Ng.

Stephanie Ng, on the other hand, had no breasts to speak of. Where Jamie had just the right amount of hips and ass, Stephanie was somewhat surfboardian. Where Jamie's breasts bulged proudly in every shirt, Stephanie had a modest A cup and would probably stay that way if her mother was any indication. And where Jamie was a somewhat tall, fire haired temptress, Stephanie was a moderately nerdy, awkward teenager with straight black, shoulder length hair and an odd hitch to her walk.

Stephanie was pretty enough, one could suppose, for her age. Her skin was clear, her eyes were bright, her teeth were straight and her smile was straight out of the movies. In fact, if she put a little effort into dressing a bit girlier and maybe using a little eye shadow she could be downright trouble. But she didn't, and she wasn't. She was a quiet, average student with an average set of friends and an average life.

Well, that is, aside from the fact that somewhere out there, her former babysitter was plotting to seduce her, and that's a good a place as any to explain things.

7 years earlier, Jamie was any other 18 year old making money babysitting in her spare time, and Stephanie was any other kid in need of a babysitter while her parents enjoyed a date night. And nothing of note happened that night, as babysitting often turns out. Jamie sat on the couch and watched TV, Stephanie did whatever it is 6 year olds do until it was bath time.

"Alright, squirt, bath time. It's already full, and you better not just splash around and pretend, I'm serious!"

"I know! I'm six, I'm not a baby."

The door closed, splashing commenced and Jamie gave her a few minutes before she swung the door open and shouted.
