Divine Hearts

Story by blacksun92

This is the first story I have ever submitted, I have been a member for awhile and seen some really amazing authors and I now want to try my luck at the game. While I appreciate criticism both good and bad, there is a differance between that and just fucking with me, please only healthy criticism thanks hope u enjoy. Also all characters in this story are 18 or older. As well the erotic scene in this story was written by another author and good friend of mine, Susan Cookie please enjoy.

The winds howled and echoed through the desolate and barren land, the strength of each breath kicking up plumes of dust, forming small funnel clouds. The rust colored earth was streaked and splattered with blood and large chunks of steel and stone. Furrows scored the ground and craters, great and small, dotted the land, overlapping and interlocking forming numerous shapes and designs.

Atop a hill, a lone figure appeared to gaze over the broken and thoroughly battered land. His mid-length black hair hung in messy bangs and tangles that shadowed a bruised and scared, deep caramel face. His helmet dropped carelessly next to his feet, the eye shield broken, areas of the scrap of metal seemed cracked and pieces seemed to be popping off as well, one of the pair of gold horns was completely snapped off. Through the disarrayed tangles of his black hair sat eyes, frozen in an immortal crimson glare as they soaked up the last visages of the landscape. His armor creaked and groaned as it started to make its final movements to kneel, but the warrior would have none of that and righted himself again, if he was gonna die he would do it on his feet. A soft whisper caressed his ears and he felt his armor start to disintegrate into a fine powder in the wind, he closed his eyes and everything went quiet…then dark.

~7 Month Earlier~

Shade hacked at the wood and cloth practice dummy, his onyx and gold keyblade slicing quickly in the air with a soft whistle. It wasn’t long, only about 3 feet in length, intricate vines crawled up from a gothic rose fashioned into the shaped like a heart on the handle and hand guard, they crept higher up the twin pillared key-shaft as they stopped they bloomed into seven double edged blades that resembled blooming rose with “petals” extending out, the sharpened edges glinting and flashes of gold could be seen off the sun’s light as Shade swung his blade down on the well worn practice figure. The keychain also soared through the air, a short black chain with crimson rose petal intertwined with the chain. The charm was a half bloomed rose covered by two white wings around the stem.

His dark brown skin glistened with sweat as he continued to circle the dummy, gauging its imaginary movements. His dark brown (almost black) calculated every angle the fictional foe could step and jump to. In the blink of an eye his body’s muscles tightened and his mind went b