Lust Witch Alice (Updating Series)

Story by Sonia Nightingale

So I recently wrote my own little piece of erotica and thought I'd post it here. I'll add more fetishes as it goes.

Lemme know what you think~!

Lust Witch Alice - 1 - Green Thumb? Green Body!

She sat atop a chair of cold iron, looking out of her window into the murky waters below. There was no sign of anyone approaching her tower, there never was. The witch uncrossed her legs and slouched down into her throne, sighing in displeasure.

"Nobody ever comes here," she grumbled to herself, "Nobody can make it through the swampland." Shaking her head, she stood and walked out of the room and out onto a small balcony that held a multitude of exotic plants. Her most prized plants were situated close to the tower wall. A trellis covered in vines that had flowers looking like eyes, a large piranha, and what looked like a mass of vines humped together in a bush around the base of the piranha plant.

After watering each of them with a special burst of magic water, she tended to the rest of her garden with a watering can before hopping into the air, propelling herself overtop of her work with her magic before landing and sitting cross-legged atop the head of her piranha plant. Humorously enough, there was a collar around the plant's neck that identified it as Falafel.

Bored-tired, she laid back on the plant's head, looking up at the clouds. Alice, for that was the witch's name, heard something stir in the plants around her but she ignored it for a breeze. She continued to gaze at the clouds and dream of company before she felt each of her wrists and ankles pulled in separate directions as she was hoisted into the air by the tentacle-like vines she'd watered earlier.

The vines raised her high into the air, more of them coiling up her arms and legs until they reached her body, slipping into her shirt and the shorts she wore. One of them wrapped itself around her breast, poking itself against her nipple while she still struggled to get a handle on the situation. Alice let out a soft moan as one of the vines that slithered its way into her shorts brushed past her pussy, grinding itself against her clit before drawing back.

Before she could let out another moan, a pair of the vines crept into her mouth, wrapping themselves around each other and stuffing her mouth with them. A few seconds later, she felt the pull of fabric as the vines tore her clothes apart, another coiling around her other breast as a group slapped her