Just Peachy Series

Story by Nephina Tsung


It's been awhile since I showed up here but what can I say, real life is a cunt and not the fun kind. Cracks aside, this is a series I'm writing based off RP's with one Milk-Fed on here involving her character Me-Me Momocorn. The most underrated Pony there ever was. But that's my opinion. WHICH I COMMAND YOU ALL TO TAKE AS GOSPEL!

Kay, enough jokes. This is going to be more story driven then Hentai driven so if there's a chapter or two with sex then, well...there you go. This first one does have hentai, don't you worry.

Now let's see if I remember how to make the spoiler tag properly.

Just Peachy




Note: The following contains futanari & masturbation. This story belongs in the Main Cannon of Nephina Tsung and as such will be more story driven then Hentai driven in most chapters.

Nephina’s meeting ran exceedingly long. Right out from the gate she was bombarded with questions, statistics, market predictions and the like from the moment she walked into the office right to the very last second of the business day. Her blue hair was falling out from all the stress. Magic can only fix so much in one sitting, fixing it to not show weakness every chance she got. “You can’t let them see you freak out.” She murmured to herself. Thankfully this would be her last day as CEO of Brimstone Security because she had liquidated the company to start anew with something that would bring her more joy and fulfillment. Though after the rat race she didn’t want to immediately re-enter the work force. She needed some downtime. Her phone rang as she drove down the highway towards home.

“Hello?” She replied in a dazed voice. This was her business line she was speaking on so it could only be work trying to follow her she thought, praying to herself that the person on the other end would go horse.

“NEPHINA YOU CUNT!” The call began from what sounded like a man in his early thirties. “Did you know that the new people that took over canned me!? I’M OUT OF WORK BECAUSE OF YOU!”

“Really, Phil?” Nephina sighed. “Look, it’s out of my hands now. I no longer own the company and considering how you started the call I doubt I’d higher you for my newest business venture assuming you were qualified for it in the first place.”

“Well, I’m not the only one who was fired. Nearly all of us were replaced. You selfish bitch, do you have any idea how many lives you ruined now? The economy is very weak now and most of us will be lucky if we can even work at Burger King. No wait, a good chunk of us are overqualified. I’m surprised you didn’t give this any thought before you went through with it.” In the past she might have. Nephina tried to be fair and understanding of the needs of her employees. She’s a people person, even if she is a demon in a literal sense. “What happened to the Nephina would give us the month of December