[STORY] One Mother, One Daughter (loli)

Story by Armored Raven

Author's Note : Who said this part of the forum had to be all about pictures? Because I think, whoever made that rule, I will wring said pictures around his/her neck. This is a story which I thought should only be posted here because of context (and age) sensitivity. From my experience of visiting the Stories section, it really seems that there's no better way to garner the attention of futa loli fans than here. So why the heck not, I'll just write my debasing loli fiction and put it right here for the fans to enjoy!


Disclaimer : You must hereby be warned that this story contains no males and females, only hermaphrodite characters. There will be obvious sexual depictions present, and involving underaged character or more of such, in purely fantastical intentions. The author will not bear any responsibility if any reader ignores this disclaimer and gets discomforted, mentally ill, or offended from further reading, and if to the point of raising charges against this author, said charges will be nulllified under the clause of Consensuses And Disclaimings. The author will also not be liable for any charges concerning creativity ownership, since this is a completely original work, not copied from another source or authorship. Writings below are also not related to any profit related activities, and they will

never ever be.

Please do not circulate the writings and profit from it without permission from the author. Any actual occurence identical to the writings below are purely coincidental and unwanted by the author to begin with. Characters appearing in the writings are intended to be biological and behaviourally fictional. It is of no intended consequence that any reader should psychologically correlate characters below with realistic behaviour. Writings below are not to be taken into speculations such as collaboration of ideas, commisions and deals, etc. Any inspiration sparked

by the writings below are not responsibilities of the author either. As readers, you have the right to refrain from making spiteful comments, and may question or criticize the author in a friendly and orderly fashion. Thanks for understanding and happy reading.


It is said that when mothers and daughters grow up and age, they become further apart as women, yet closer together as family. If there are no outsiders to the families, the closeness of being family can deny many restraints placed upon them by the society. Since when did everyone become so far apart from each other, when all they need is a means to get them together? When families become more and more irrelevant to a world driven by technology, commerce and industries, how did the warmth of the heart vanish?

In the place of the vanished warmth, another kind of it takes hold. For a family of two, the replacement of the warmth is something taboo. This is a story about a crumbling family kept alive through incest. This is a story about a new-found warmth

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