Canis Stories: Hero of Eluvaria

Story by car2nage

Hi everyone! Here's a little (read: really fucking long) story that I've been writing up. It's not complete by any stretch and I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll just summarize it by saying it's a take on Rin's old Excel play (here for more info:!&highlight=Excel ) with a few of my own touches to spice things up a bit ^^ General content includes: bondage, latex, furries, brainwashing, traps, transformation, and more. Special thanks go to Rin, who let me borrow his idea, and General Terra (AKA FireFly), who has not only allowed me to use and abuse her characters, but has also given wonderful ideas and suggestions (:3) and been a pre-reader. Feel free to comment and give feedback ^^

Ensuna, Luka, and Lyra are all property of General Terra (AKA whatever she changes it to later).

Canis Stories: Hero of Eluvaria

By Car2nage


The ancient temple was dimly lit, and the chanting of the priestesses all around gave an eerie atmosphere. But she wasn’t afraid.

Misa and six of her shield-sisters stepped forward to the altar that the priestesses surrounded, stopping just in front of it. At it stood the head priestess presiding over the ceremony and several almost nude handmaidens who were specially selected for assisting them. Once the ceremony was completed, the handmaidens would stay with them and further assist them in their duties as Valkyries by accepting their seed and bearing their children.

But none of these truly held Misa’s attention. What she was focused on were the armor and weapons that were stood up at the very center of the altar. They were the tools that she and her shield-sisters had been selected to use at a young age, whose use they had been trained in their whole lives. They had trained, fought, starved, and suffered for this honor, shed sweat, tears, and blood for this very day.

“Shield-maidens, you have been selected to receive a great honor. You have trained hard for many years, fought tooth and nail to receive it, and you have proven yourselves worthy of the final challenge,” said the head priestess. “Should you pass this last test, you shall become Valkyries, protectors of all we hold dear to us.” The priestess stepped down from the altar and went to Misa, looking her dead in the eye. “Shield-maiden, are you prepared to accept this responsibility?”

Misa nodded confidently and replied, “I am, mistress.” She had come too far to turn back now.

The priestess stepped aside and pointed at the armor. “Then go, child. Put on the armor and prove yourself worthy of being a Valkyrie of Eluvaria.” Misa did as instructed and went up to the top of the altar. Two of the handmaidens greeted her there by removing the robe she had