Changelings - (F/F, Extreme, Hyper, Cum, Size, Growth, Multi++)

Story by mute007

Ok this is a pretty extreme story I mulled over in my mind one day and thought was finally worth putting to paper. No seriously it's gonna get weird.

There's no guro or scat or loli or anything like that just hyper and multi, multi, multi. I think I was trying for some kind of record while maintaining at least one tiny toehold in the realms of believable physics. I'm not kidding, if you're the sort of person who thinks that two is more than enough, probably best move on.

This is dedicated to all the crazy hyper multi fans out there who have crafted and commisioned so much amazing artwork. Ecchi-Graffiti, Sparrow, Phen, Quickdraw, Doug, ChaosCat, SandraK, Shen, MatthewB, Tarlanur, Tazel, PSean, Dimitrys, Echoen, Sius, Moduloks, MforM, Ozone, Saizo, Henmaru and probably a dozen others I've forgotten right now =(

(I dare one of you to draw this!)


The buzz that had been spreading around Changelings for the past month had grown into a steady roar. Tonight was the night. Ever since Professor Ikuji had made his promise at the end of what had been the pleasure lab's most outrageous performance to date, nobody had talked about anything else. When a man like Ikuji, famed for his lack of emotion, went so far as to describe something as 'mindblowing' people got excited. The reclusive scientist was notoriously tight lipped about his work - understandably given the nature of his research.

Nobody had the slightest clue what was in store, not the staff, the VIP customers, nor the 'regular' girls. Regular is of course a relative term, this being a pleasure lab after all. Gene hacking, DNA sequencing and body engineering had gone from an arcane science to what most now considered an artform and there were always people with money willing to pay for a new form of pleasure.

The working girls at Changelings were all altered in some way or another. Most put a large percentage of their salary towards new modifications to earn even higher fees from their clients. Hermaphrodites were a frequent sight in the entertainment rooms running the entire spectrum of body shapes and sizes. Towering amazons with cocks thicker than their arms were popular with submissive customers, others preferred androgynous waifs so featureless it was impossible to tell their original sex.

Then their were stranger combinations, innocent school girls who barely looked sixteen but sporting enormous shafts that swung beneath tiny skirts. Breast enlargements were barely considered as alterations these days but a few took their chests to new extremes - multiple breasts were popular, in fact multiplying almost anything was a surefire way to earn more lucrative customers. A few confident girls had even grafted themselves to each other to become conjoined, trusting that their friendship would last the rest of their lives.

Changelings however was renowed