Tales from Fukiramo Highschool...and its one female student

Story by Shadow_Kuma

Hey all! This will be my first attempt to put out a story! Hope I did ok!

I've had this idea floating around in my head for a while. We always have a futa going to an all girls school right? Well what would happen if a girl went to an all Futa school? This is my take on what might happen!

Constructive Critisim is always welcome. Chapter one is more story then sex but still I hope you all enjoy it!

Sara's heart beat raced as she stood within the cramped school storage closet located at the back of the classroom. Her breath was rapid, but shallow causing her to almost seem like she was hyper ventilating. Sweat poured from her body and soaked into her tight school uniform, and not only because of the temperature of the room, her palms clutching a small present in her hands. It was clear that being in such small space was uncomfortable, but the girl dared not move. Only a few steps away, stood two girls who also wore a similar school uniform as Sara's. The two girls were gorgeous, with smooth skin, ample busts, and squeezable asses. Taller of the girls wore her long black hair down, while the shorter had her short blond hair pulled back into a pony tail. These two girls might have seemed perfectly normal high school seniors, had they not each been sporting large cocks which were even now lifting up their skirts as they passionately kissed each other.

Through the crack in the slightly opened closet doors, Sara had a perfect seat to watch as the two dick girls began to get more into it. Sara was in a bad position and she knew it. The opportunity to step out of the closet had long since passed, and to interrupt now would certainly not end well. As Sara cast her gaze passed the girls and to the clock hanging on the wall, she read the time to be 5:45. School and club activates had long since ended and janitorial staff wouldn't be arriving to clean until at least eight. Which meant that there was no chance of Sara being rescued for at least two hours.

Sara had to hold back a sigh as she thought back onto how she had came to be trapped here.

First of all Sara Tamio was her full name. She was a fifteen year old girl who was stunningly good at academics but in exchange had less than stellar looks. She stood at about 5' 8 with short black hair which was always pulled back into a short pony tail. Her body was slimly built and she sported a completely flat chest. With the addition of large round glasses that took up most of her face, Sara knew she wasn't a very pretty girl but figured it was the price she paid for being so smart. This attitude had served her well through middle school, which she passed with a perfect GPA.