The Day Heaven Fell (Futa/M, Futa/F, Corruption)

Story by Mirza86

Hi everyone! This will be my first story here at the Palace! I'm not afraid of criticism as I know I'm not a perfect author, so please feel free to help me with my writing! All that I ask is that comments be about grammatical mistakes or maybe story flow, not things like, "The main characters name should be Donatello! Cause he’s my favorite Ninja Turtle!" or "This story sucked, it needed more double anal self-penetration." Thanks in advance, and without further ado, The Day Heaven Fell (Chapter 1) Oh, and btw, there is only Futa/F in this first chapter, still building story and characters!

A few months have passed since The Disappearance happened. One moment, all was as it should be. But the next, both God and the Devil were gone. Without a sign as to where, how, or why they may have gone, they just were... gone. The ensuing chaos that could have come about because of this was only barely held in check by the mighty generals of Heaven and Hell.

The opposing sides of Light and Darkness have been at war since time immemorial. But although it is called a War, the side of Light has always had the upper hand. Strength unmatched by any creature on the mortal plain, and nigh unbreakable shields bolstered by holy power, the Heroes of Heaven haven't much to fear. This never stopped the Devil from sending attacks upon heavens gates, or down into the Earthly realm to try and garnish more power. But each and every advance was always met with brutal retribution from Heaven. And although nothing ever came from any of these forays, The Devil would always try sending more and more powerful troops to Heavens gates in hopes of finding a weakness in Heavens Heroes.

Perhaps now with God absent from Heavens throne, the forces of Darkness stood a chance against the unrivaled Heroes of Heaven. This was one of the many thoughts going through Azmodea's head. Azmodea, right hand of the Devil, and now Grand General of the Forces of Darkness, sat on her throne as she pondered how she could continue her Dark Lords work and maybe even succeed where he had failed.

Azmodea wasn’t Grand General now for nothing. She was not only smart and ruthless, but imposing as well. Standing at over 7 feet tall with a heavily muscled body with DD breasts tends to discourage other demons who think they may have a chance at taking her position. But her height and muscles are only the first half of what makes her so imposing. The other half is below her waist. Reaching 11 inches when she’s aroused, not many demons could compete with her height, but fewer still can compete with her cock.

As she sat thinking of just what she could do next, a succubus (one of the lowest ranking demons) who had been kneeling next to the throne ready to serve her mistress in any way she needed, noticed the look of consternation on Azmodea's face and crawled in between her legs and started to lick and kiss her mistress's cock.

Brought out of her reverie, Azmodea's attention