The Adventures of Sara, Space Explorer

Story by ZexyZen85

This series is my first to Futanari Palace. There will be more to come, both in this series and in others but i wanted to share this work first. I originally had this up on but have since stopped posting on that site. I wanted to bring it over to Futanari Palace because while the first two chapters do not have any futanari in it. There will be in future installments and i think it is a good addition to our forums.

So here is my Chapter 1:

It had been three months since she left the last way station, and after countless exploration of lifeless galaxies, Dr. Sara Jayne finally found a class M-1 planet capable of supporting new life.

Sara worked for a University on Earth as an biological explorer. Her job was to travel the farthest reaches of the universe searching for new life, be it intelligent or non-intelligent. Normally it would take someone years to obtain their doctorate in such a ground breaking field. However, Sara loved her work and at the age of 25 received her PhD from a very illustrious University. Her dedication however left little to her social life, and she rarely went out other than to class or the gym. This was a rather disappointing fact as many of the men and some of the women at her school were blown away by her physical appearance. At 5'9" Sara had long, wavy blonde hair and big green eyes. Her body was slim with the exception of her enormous chest. She grew in her 38E cups at an early age, yet all her life she seemed uninterested and even oblivious to the attention they commanded.

Sara's landing pod hit the ground, leaving her small deep space shuttle orbiting around the planet's atmosphere. Sara stepped out into the swampland that seemed to cover the whole planet. The air contained enough oxygen to breathe, however it had a constant musky smell to it. There was little land and most of this particular region seemed to have water that came to about waist-high depth. As Sara waded through it, she came to a peculiar looking plant with a glowing bud on the end. As she stepped forward to take notes, she stumbled into a sinkhole. Immediately she caught herself, however her ankles seemed to be stuck in the muddy bottom. She tried pulling her legs out but couldn't get them loose.

Unknown to her, two long tentacle-like appendages began to sprout from the creature that held her legs in it's "mouths". They slowly rose up until they found her ankles, then assured that they found their prey, they began to rise up the inside of her thighs. As they entangled themselves around her they began to release a gel from their tips, this gel would slowly eat through the fabric of her space suit without damaging her skin.

Sara was starting to panic as she tried to free her legs. She was really starting to worry about getting free when she felt the appendages on her legs. She froze as they slowly started to rise up on her. She screamed and began to swat at the things grabbing at her. They wouldn't stop their asce