Exchange of Information [for Evil Empire]

Story by eliseolisbos


A rebel messenger gives information (and other things) to an unlikely contact.


futa/male, fantasy themes

Word Count:


Author's Notes:

Written as a belated gift for Evil Empire, for this prompt: "Okay, how about futa on excessively girly boy"; I'm not sure if I'm equipped to write 'excessively girly boy', but I gave it my best shot. Apparently 'excessively girly boy' translates as 'prostitute' to me, and I truly don't mean any harm by it. Unedited except for my own eyes; please forgive any errors. Will be posted to other forums, my apologies if you come across it more than once.


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights to this work; unauthorized duplication is prohibited.

Exchange of Information

© 2012 Eliseolisbos

Jathna Hib sat down at a table to one side of the low-lit room, peering around. She hoped she didn't appear too anxious, but considering her overall appearance, that wasn't a high possibility. Besides, no one was paying much attention to a tall, muscular female wearing travel-worn battle armour and a thick scarf over a black corset and loose, brown trousers. Most of the other patrons of the L'Obliet were more concerned with getting sucked off or fingered in the low couches placed haphazardly in the dungeon-like space; the scent of cock-jizz and cunt-juice rose up in the air, thick and heady, mixing with the smoke being produced by the few sputtering candles.

She wasn't here for a fuck, even though she paid a lot of money to enter one of the most popular whorehouses this side of the massive Kasjh River. She was here on a mission, a very serious mission, and she needed to find her contact as soon as possible. She hadn't been given a description, which was unusual. The only thing she knew was the code-phrase that would be used.

Someone sat in the seat opposite her and Jathna frowned. One of L'Obliet's whores smiled in return, long black curls framing a narrow face; strands of paste-jewelry hung around the smooth neck in many loops. The whore sported loose, flimsy clothing, hiding nothing and revealing that as feminine as they appeared at first glance, this was actually a male.

"Hail, wanderer," he said. "I am Yoia. What can I do for you?" He twisted his fingers in his curls, and gave Jathna a coy smile. "I am here to serve."

"I don't need your service," Jothna said, keeping her words and tone short. "I'm waiting for someone."

"Here in L'Obliet?" Yoia tilted his head. "You've been here before and you want the person you had the last time? Is that it?"

"No." Jothna wanted this person to just leave.

Yoia leaned forward, touching Jothna's hand where it rested atop the table with his long fingers. She noticed th