Sheeva's Sluts - A Mortal Kombat Fanfiction

Story by WotanAnubis

New Chapters will be added at the end of the second post. As well as at the end of the thread.

TITLE: Sheeva's Sluts

AUTHOR: WotanAnubis

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Mortal Kombat or any of its characters. No profit is being made.


NOTE: Plot? Accurate characterization? Nah. Just some short stories of Sheeva fucking the women of Mortal Kombat whenever I happen to feel like writing about such. Which probably won't be very often.

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Sheeva's Sluts - A Brief Introduction

Sheeva, leader of the Shokan people, Empress of all Australia, stood on a balcony overlooking a walled garden. It was a rather peculiar garden considering it was part of the Shokan fortress that was the seat of Sheeva's power. The garden had a very... Earthrealm quality to it. Perfectly tended grass, vines clinging artistically to the walls, carefully cultured bushes in colourful bloom and, in the centre, an elegant fountain spouting pure, clear water.

The serenity of the garden, then, was quite at odds with the harsh fortress proclaiming the warrior pride and prowess of the Shokan people. But then, the garden wasn't for the Shokan people. It belonged to Sheeva alone and it had been designed to be a sanctuary for her modest harem.

First among them, in a very literal sense, was Kitana. The former Outworld princess seemed to appreciate the garden the most out of all of Sheeva's women. She had joined Sheeva shortly after she'd destroyed Shao Kahn for his betrayal of the Shokan. It had been a political consideration, back then. Presumably Kitana had thought Sheeva wanted to ascend Shao Kahn's throne and having his daughter at her side would have smoothed the process. When Sheeva had set out for Earthrealm instead, to find a country that would truly belong to her people, Kitana had come along. Sheeva did not know why, but perhaps Kitana had foreseen the peace Earthrealm would bring. At the moment she sat calmly at the fountain's edge, humming contently and, Sheeva had to admit, beautifully to herself. And, most likely, to Jade.

It was no surprise, of course. Jade was little more than Kitana's shadow, after all. So when Kitana had come to Sheeva, so had Jade. Unlike Kitana, however, Jade had some difficulty adjusting to the calm the fortress offered her. Even now, when she was calmly combing Kitana's hair, there was an obvious tension in her dark body. As though she was ready for an attack at any moment. Which she probably was. No matter how much Kitana treated her as a treasured handmaiden, Jade considered herself her protector and champion first and foremost. Which was fine by Sheeva. Through her loyalty to Kitana, the dark woman was loyal to her.

Which was not something that could be said for the third woman lounging by the fountain. Sheeva still wasn't certain why she suffered Mileena's presence in her fortress. Part of her reason to leave Outworld for Earthrealm had been her desire to get her people away from the blasted Tarkatans and here that damnab