"Opening Pandora’s Box" Case 01 "Tales of the Dryden DNA Disaster"

Story by cuteycindyhoney

Lisa Redford’s life was about to turn upside down. The tall busty blonde had a startling metamorphosis after being exposed to the Dryden Sniffles. Growing a thick 12 inch dick posed many problems, but none as scary as being grabbed by a cop in the massive futanari roundup! Things go a little crazy when Lisa compromises the integrity of the lovely female cop’s respirator mask, and the officer of the law desperately tries to resist the powerful pheromones emitted by Lisa’s aroused body!

Tales of the Dryden DNA Disaster

By Honey Moon

Case One:

Opening Pandora’s Box

Lisa Redford didn’t know it yet, but her life was about to be turned upside down. The change began a few days ago when she began feeling cramps that had nothing to do with her menstrual cycle. At first she ignored the discomfort, taking Pamprin as needed, but the bloated nasty feeling only increased.

“I had my period this month.” She announced to the walls of her empty apartment. “Dammit all, I can’t be pregnant, can I?” The twenty-five year old shook her head over how uncomfortably snug her favorite jeans were now fitting. Lisa was pissed! It wasn’t just that her life was in danger of being totally disrupted for the next eighteen years, either! It was always such a hassle finding clothes to fashionably clothe her fit, athletic, six foot frame. Now the slight but noticeable bulge said she could be in danger of needing a temporary maternity wardrobe!

“Oh fuck me, as if 50FF wasn’t big enough! I’m gonna have to get all new bras!” Probing her lower abdomen, she could feel a distinct firm mass. “Damn, fuck one guy after a dry spell of six months, and I get knocked up? What the hell do use a diaphragm for, anyway? Mike was even nice enough to pull out and shoot on my tits and face!” She palpitated herself again. “What the hell? I’m as regular as a clock! How would I feel a baby bump when I never missed a period since I started having ‘em? Tomorrow I’m taking myself to the damn Gynecologist!”

She didn’t know it yet, but making an appointment would soon be the least of her worries. Lisa would never forget that night. Strange and vivid dreams haunted her. She always though of herself as slightly bisexual, but never before had she experience dreams of such raw burning sensuality concerning other women! Every woman she knew paraded across the movie screen of her subconscious mind, in various states of undress. She awoke in the small hours of the morning, breathless and embarrassed over the still vibrant images of her mother’s naked body, and how her dream self had pulled the woman over her knees and spanked over and over while momma had whimpered and begged for more!

“I’m losing my mind.” She moaned. “Well, maybe not. Maybe I should give serious thought to swinging over to the other side of the fence for