Belle's Story

Story by username?

Ok, so I've had a lot of fun rping everybody's favorite brothel owner, Belle, so I decided to go ahead and write out her story. I'm going to break it down into chapters, so here's chapter one. It involves rape and male on futa. Hope you guy's like it.

Prologue Prologue

My name is Belle Vega and I was born to Enigo Vega and Seras Vega, on the 5th of November, 1975, their only child. It was a strange conception, as my mother had a birth control implant put in her. Needless to say, I was an accidental child.

I had a modest childhood. We lived in the slums of Rome, Italy for all my until I was sixteen. My papa was a good man, tried to find work, but couldn’t hold on to a job because of his bad leg. He worked for many people on the side when he had a job, or took simple little jobs when he didn’t have a set one. He tried very hard, I can’t fault him at all. However, he was a drunk and sometimes a drug abuser. You would think this is the part where I tell you he beat me and my mama, but he didn’t. He was a kind man, God rest his soul.

My mama, on the other hand, was the real problem. Before she married, she was a ‘house’ prostitute and druggie, continuing both habits after she met my father. Since my dad couldn’t keep a steady paycheck he allowed her to continue her whoring so they could make ends meet, the fact that she blew over half her money on drugs and alcohol didn’t help things. Life would’ve been so much easier if she hadn’t had those habits.

After I was born, my mother began to lose customers. She had gained weight and somehow couldn’t keep it off even with all the substance abuse. Her hips had blown out and her tits were now sagging. She of course blamed this all on me. It was like I was the root of all her problems. Every chance she got she made my life hell.

I did my best to be a good girl. I did excellent in school, I was top of my class, even the school council’s vice president two years in a row. I had many friends, all who cared so much about me. Daddy was proud of me, he said that I would grow up to be all that he couldn’t. Mama was jealous though, she saw that my life was going to be so much better than her own and she couldn’t stand it.

Chapter 1

Innocence Lost

It was Wednesday, April 16th, 1990. I had just come home from school. I opened the dirty, wooden door to our rundown apartment and saw Seras on the couch, talking to someone on the phone. I wasn’t really paying attention to her, I never did. Dad was out working a side job, I knew he would be out late. I dropped my bag off on the kitchen table and opened the fridge to get a drink.

“Belle, dear, I have clients coming over in a few minutes.” My mother’s voice came out in an unusually cheery tone, but I had barely heard her. She puffed on her cigarette, then continued. “Be a doll and head to your room, ok?”

This was a usual occurrence, so I made myself a sand