AxA (futa/futa, futadom, seduction, plot, hard drugs)

Story by AntiAntagonist

Here's a story I wrote for my lovely partner. It's been bouncing around inside my head for years. I tried drawing it first but wasn't able to capture all the details. As I wrote this I really grew to enjoy the characters, so given time I'll definitely be writing more.

I'll be posting all the scenes here as I get them ready. The dominance in the first section is really mild; that will change in subsequent scenes. Also, this scene is as much about the drugs as the sex; that will likewise change.

This piece has had the benefit of feedback from a number of folks already; they read the crappy versions so you don't have to. ^.~ Thanks much to them! If anyone feels like giving feedback here, please do: style, content, whatever. I can use all the help I can get!

1: (~8800 words)

AxA Scene 1

by AntiAntagonist

Jump straight to the: drugs > search for (a1a-d) foreplay > search for (a1a-f) sex > search for (a1a-s).

Metal grinding on metal: the sound cut through the silence as the key slid into the lock, turned with difficulty, and pushed back the bolt. The heavy, unmaintained door sprung open, thrust back forcefully by hands both practiced and impatient. Two figures stood framed in the incandescent glare from the hallway; they entered; an inner light snapped on.

'You live here by yourself?' one asked.

'Yeah,' came the reply. 'It's small, but it's enough. I used to share a place with a some kids over by the park, but once I got my new job I decided it was time to have some space to myself. Things can get complicated with twenty people always around the house.'

The newcomer measured the space with her eyes: a studio apartment consisting of a single L-shaped room, a closet near the door, and a separate bathroom. Assuming the bath was not large, the entire flat could not have been more than twenty-three or twenty-four square meters. And it was crowded: cooking gear of many kinds and in various states of wear filled the kitchen; a bedroll was put away in one corner by a tall stack of cardboard boxes; near this stood a wooden crate with an ancient-looking television atop it, thickly covered in dust. On the far wall stood an expensive stereo set, impeccably cared for. In the centre lay a long, low coffee-table whose colour was impossible to say as all manner of household items entirely covered its surface. Behind the table, directly under the only window, a dark faux-leather couch, stained and well-worn, had been pressed against the wall. In th