Love is Asinine (Male X futa)

Story by Gilgamesh

Most of the last half or so was written while under the weather, cold and all. But I don't think it makes it effects the quality. Keyword: I think. The only thing I admit it effects the quality of is the title, which I'm sure has already turned of people from reading it. Damn.

I just ask that you give the main character a chance. Do it for the Baron, he's a nice guy.

EDIT: Commentary, should you care.


Male fucking futa

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It was a cold day, and rather than going home and hanging out with my friends or having fun, I was on the roof of the school building, up in the wind. Today was one of the few days I didn’t have football practice too.

The girl in front of me fidgeted nervously. “Umm…”

Her name was Alise. She is a soccer player for the school’s team, I think she plays midfielder. She’s pretty average in measurements and quiet. She does alright in school, not the dumbest person or smartest in any classes I’ve shared with her. The girl is one of those people that never really left a strong impression. She doesn’t stand out much.

Outside of currently sharing an English class, I can’t think of why she called me to the roof. I don’t think she’ll want to try and copy my paper on the book we’re reading.


I pursed my lips. At least she got that out. I waved my big hand at her almost sarcastically.

She ran her fingers through her short brown hair, brushing it back, even thought it wasn’t in her face. “I w-was wondering, if you were going out with s-someone.”

“No. Not really looking for one though.” I shifted my weight from one leg to the other, getting antsy. “I’m trying to focus on football and school for now. Too busy.”

Her eyes were locked onto my chest, too nervous to look me in the eye, but self-conscious to look down at her feet. “I was…was thinking that maybe…”

I don’t think she listened to what I said.

“Maybe we should go out…?”

I took a breath.

Alise looked up expectantly and I finally got a clear look into her brown eyes.

“I told you. I’m not looking to date right now. Busy.” I repeated myself, growing more exasperated by this conversation with each exchange. It’s not that she wasn’t cute, she had charms to her, but she was not exactly the girl that all the guys’ eyes followed when she entered the classroom. She doesn’t seem to be all that fun either, doesn’t like to talk. Although one plus she has is that she doesn’t like to talk, and therefore doesn’t like to nag. Something I can say is an unfortunately rare trait among most of