Step by Stepsister Chp 4 Sorry for the wait [bows in appology]

Story by Zixtank

Okay, so I haven't written as fast as i hoped.

I promised last time I'd have chp 4 out before christmas, but my exams held me back, so i thought I'd round it up before new years which failed due to partying and drinking (I don't really regret that last part =P )

But now, I've pulled myself together and I'm not only releasing Chp 4 now, but Chp 5 is a fourth done already and that will be the long awaited Christmas Special which will include illustrations (that you can choose to view of course).

So, please enjoy this part of Danny's far-from-tragic-yet-somewhat-tiring-story and tell me what you think about it =)

I love criticism, so leave tons of it =D

Previous chapters:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Edit: Chapter link added

Step by Stepsister

Chp 4

Third Street Call

Winter has always been my most favorite season; it’s cold, which means you have a good reason to stay indoors and slack around for no reason; it’s got snow, which means I can bombard whoever is foolish enough to get in my vicinity with snowballs; and, best of all, Christmas.

Even at school, it was clear that everyone was hyped for the upcoming holiday. During the midterms, the teachers didn’t even seem to care if us students were humming to Christmas songs and carols.

Then it came, the final day of the exams. For a second year like me, it meant only one things; five hours later, I was going to be heading home with a smiling worriedly about maybe having failed so hard at my exams, but I could finally chill out because of the holidays.

Steve, me and Ethan had agreed we’d have one hell of a party weekend to celebrate. Such a party weekend consisted of booze, gaming and watching movies while talking about things of little importance.

Steve had even gotten a girlfriend, so we’ll even hang around some girls as well.

Wait, slow down you say? Come on, how long has it… Oh, never mind. I get the point.

So, flashback. Last time we talked, it was that party at Tamika’s. Let’s just say that many things can happen in three months (quite the jump, right).

So, to sum it up, I’ve been trying to do something about my relationship with my twin stepsisters. For one thing, they still insist on being rather distant and cold towards me in public, treating me no different than before I learned their true motive (though they’re somewhat more moderate now), though when we’re alone, they tend to be rather soft and meek. They st