AntiAntagonist's 5x5 Stories [various kinks/warnings inside]

Story by AntiAntagonist

So I'm going to put all of my 5x5 Kink Prompt Challenge stories here, as I complete them. I chose prompt number four, if you're curious. These turned out to be quite challenging for me, taking a good deal more time than I expected!

Be warned: these are the first erotic stories I've ever posted so they will be a little rough around the edges. Also, I tend to be more about relationships than physical acts. That said, there will always be some sex. ^_~v

Feedback is welcome but not required! Enjoy!


1: prompt=Vampires (~4900 words)

Periscene, Epicene

by AntiAntagonist

Black sky, cloudless and star-free: an undifferentiated backcloth behind grey towers rising on all sides to nonuniform heights. Every blazing window shed electric radiance to light my way. Cold winter-city air, dirty and still, divided reluctantly into opposing volumes as I forced a passage quickly through winding, disused side streets. I always took the back route. The roads remained relatively quiet at this hour, but traffic never wholly ceased. Even in the dead of winter I had never made it the entire three miles from my apartment to the club without dodging insults or projectiles from at least one passing car. It was always a relief, therefore, to glimpse the little alleyway on the edge of the business district. Those black shadows amid faceless, nondescript walls meant safety, temporary release.

Beyond the row of dumpsters, under the dead-eyed glare of a single incandescent bulb, a small group always assembled, clustering close together at this time of year, boots and heels clacking on the grimy pavement. I pushed through the cloud of clove and tobacco while eyes appraised my outfit and cosmetics, assigning me a place in scene hierarchy. I grabbed the blank, black door and pulled; the throb of heat and sound that welled out thrilled through my frame. Dark-clad, pale-faced teenagers and young adults crowded the little entry hall. I stepped cautiously but quickly between heavily-coated strangers, over fragmented black and white tile, to a narrow square window. I pulled my ID together with five worn bills, scrounged with difficulty during the preceding week, from my flat-soled canvas shoes. Exchanging the money for a glow-in-the-dark hand-stamp, and checking in my tattered coat, I glanced ahead. Peering round the corner in an attempt to glim