The Demon's Bride [ One Shot, M/F, Rape, Impregnation, Pregnancy, Underage, Demon]

Story by BlackButterfly

Hey there! >>; I didn't really think I'd write anything, but here we go. This is based on an old idea had a few years back. It's also my first attempt at writing porn and probably sucks, so please be gentle.

Legend said there was a demon living in the shrine in the village. The shrine was built around a portal to the netherworld and in exchange for guarding it and preventing other demon's from crossing over, every 20 years one of the shrine's miko was chosen to be his bride.

Sumiko knew at least that the demon's bride ritual really did exist, but as far as she had been able to find out, despite the name, all it entitled was that the chosen miko be locked in a room in the center of the temple for a few years, likely praying and with the prists who brought her food, water, and fresh clothing as her only company. It sounded like a lonely job, and she had always hoped she wouldn't be chosen for it, even if it was considered a great honor.

She was a miko at the temple herself, having lived there all her life. A fairly normal japanese girl with flowing black hair down to her knees framing her gentle face and soft dark round eyes, she had a small delicate frame and breasts that barely qualified as such to go with it, though she didn't mind that much. She wasn't currently intrested in men, and as a junior miko, couldn't date yet anyway, so she spent most of her time performing her duties deligently around the temple, talking to her fellow miko and studying texts the shrine held.

It wasn't as if she believed demons did not exist, of course she knew, but she and the other miko had all agreed that there was no way that the shrine priests would really send a woman to literally be a demon's bride. That would be horrible, so most of them agreed it was symbolic.

Still it didn't sound very pleasant, so she was not thrilled when the announcement was made, in her 15th year, that she had been chosen to be the new bride.

She had wanted to protest, but the Head Priestess had spoken and it wasn't her place to argue. The ritual was very important to the temple after all, and she wanted to do her duty as a maiden of the shrine. Still she was apprehensive, and unhappy that this would mean she would not see her friends anymore. Still, she was allowed to bring some of her worldly possessions with her so long as they didn't distract her from her duty, so she could at least keep her books.

The night of the ceremony was warm and humid. Drums beat the air as the inhabitants of the shrine and village came to see off the new Bride.

Sumiko had fasted the day before, bathing in purifying water before being adorned in the clothing she was to wear for the ceremony. It was cut like a traditional wedding kimono, but the over coat that would normally be red was black with red maple leaves decorating it. Her hair was secured in a tight bun on top of her by a red comb. In way it almost did seem like she was g