The Frog Queen (Futa/Solo, TF, Growth, Size, Pregnancy, Self-impregnation)

Story by Il-Ruinante

Hello all, I'm Il-Ruinante. I frequent the IRC futanari palace more than here but I felt I need to contribute something so I wrote a story. Now keep in mind that this probably isn't particularly good, I wrote it in a half-sleep lust-filled haze so don't expect Faulkner or anything. Based on reactions, I may write more and I may even alter this story. Comments are more than welcome, constructive Criticism is good, just if you don't like the subject matter don't complain since I listed the tags in the thread title. You knew what you were getting into.

Now on with the story:

The pond was once a place of natural beauty. A small spring situated in the middle of a forest where all forms of life congregated in harmony. What was truly of note however was the frog population. Dozens of species called the pond home, croaking in musical harmony and dressed in all the colors of the world. Unfortunately decades of industrialization had decayed most of the forest and the pond was hardest hit. Flooded with chemicals of every nature, what little life hadn’t been killed off had moved on to other places and the frogs’ songs were never heard again. Even with the advent of new technology that made manufacturing and most of industries completely green, the pond was slow to heal. It was as if it needed a jump start, something big to reawaken the natural spirits that used to bless the area…


Renny smiled a bit as she stopped her car in a small gravel parking lot just in front of her favorite hiking trail. She set her vehicle in park, undid the belt buckle, opened the door and climbed out, stretching while she shut the door behind her. The 21 year old college student was happy that her summer vacation had finally come and even happier that she had finally found this place. As she checked the laces on her hiking boots and adjusted her pack of supplies, she reminisced on all the time she had spent hiking this trail and more importantly the time she had spent at that beautiful spring as a little girl. Once she made sure everything was in order she took her first step forwards.

As the trees passed, Renny thought about how much she missed the old spring, the sight of the crystal-clear water sparkling in the sunlight, the green of the trees and grass blending with all the other colors, but most importantly the frog songs. Renny had always loved frogs, them being her favorite animals. She had no idea why exactly other than possibly spending all the time she had at this pond. Unfortunately it had other effects. When the downsides of chemical manufacture flooded the pond all those years ago, it had changed her as she swam in it. That was why her parents moved the family away to the city, to be closer to the specialist doctor she needed. Life went on, Renny continued living but she still never lost her