Eris of the Red Lions

Story by ladykumiho

I've been reading a few of choose your own adventure type stories lately, and I really wanted to give one a try. Originally I was going to do this as a wiki style CYOA, but quickly staled when I realized it would mean hundreds of postings for each path, which would ultimately drive me nuts. So I figure this is simpler, more refined, and frankly more fun, since I get to see people participating and play along ^_^. If you've never read a story like this before, just read and at the end of a post will be a few choices, post your vote for how the story continues and I'll write that progression, as you all decide the skills, scenarios and whether or not your brave heroine comes through it all alive.

This story is based off an amazonian culture I created for a pathfinder game originally, though sadly the game died, but I may as well offer the information here. It could help you a bit with understanding the world and what to expect. Of course for the anxious, you can just skip the boring info segment and just go to the next post to start the story!

Amazon Origin:

Almost a true breeding species in there own right, even though they are a group spanning several races, many of which cannot interbreed, they all consider each other sisters in a spiritual sense. Their history begins some seven centuries back, with a mighty Gorean empire of Roglivar the Conqueror. With a savage fervor he inspired barbarian tribes to rise, seeking out elves and fey in the wilds to enslave them and thus give his people what they lacked, magical force with which to build their nation upon. Proving his tactics to have great boons, his army struck out at the outlying nations, claiming great spans of land, and power. With their sylvan slaves and magical enhancements, they were a terrifying force, and Roglivar made sure to use the protection of these forced guardians to their benefit, as he built the capitol of his empire in the heart of the primal forest he'd conquered. Yet his bold decisions would ultimately be his undoing. The Nymph Queen of the region, Ol'ma'tan, was among Roglivar's prized slaves, and so fond of her was he that be build his castle upon an artificial island in the middle of her lake, and kept her leashed in an elaborate basement chamber with a pool leading out to the open waters. Though the mystical chain kept her from going far, and he could always drag her up by it, when he desired. Forcing her to consent to being his consort, she was forced to grace him with power and and an elongated life, which made him live generations longer then he should have. She considered herself lucky though for the offered pomp and leg room, compared to how the more mundane women were treated.

All women in Roglivar's empire were slaves after all, treated as property to be bartered, sold, used and abused as their male masters saw fit. it was a pitiable existence, and Ol'ma'tan came to feel a kinship with her fellow captors. One handmaid who often served in the Nymph Queen'