Debt [Yaoi/ Guro\rape]

Story by Stardust

Here a fanfic of Axis power hetalia!

warnings for: torture, amputation, rape, prostitution, eye-fuck, watersports, OoCness, later chapters include more.

America woke up first with a throbbing headache. Looking around he saw he was in a dark room and he could make out another table with another person on top of it. Trying to move he noticed his arms and legs were secured in place and that he was stuck in a laying position. "Psst, hey you awake over there?" he asked the stranger next to him.

America's voice stirred England from his sleep, "A-America?" he asked, a little drowsy still. He too was bound onto a table right next to America. "Where are we?"

China smirked as an alarm went off nearby, alerting him to the fact that his 'patients' had recovered consciousness. Finally. He grabbed his bag of medical supplies and unlocked the door to his basement, making sure to re-lock it behind him. Not that his patients would be capable of escape when he was through with them, but it was better safe than sorry. He walked down the steps at a slow, deliberate pace, wondering what was on the minds of the two people he had imprisoned.

Hearing footsteps America was the first to yell out. "Hey you bastard let us out of here" he screamed, struggling against his bonds.

England on the other hand tried to remain calm, yelling and struggling was going to accomplish nothing. "Shut up America" he whispered to the other angrily.

The only response China gave to America's order- nay, America's plea, was a laugh. Stepping around the corner, he entered the room and made his way closer to the pair. "Good morning, aru," he greeted them. "That is to say, good afternoon. You have been out for quite some time, aru."

"China?" America asked, eyes wide open in surprise. "Why are England and I tied up like this? Some kind of joke or something?" he asked, unable to believe it.

England on the other hand knew China hated him so it was no surprise that he was drugged and kidnapped. "China, why did you kidnap America and I?" he simply asked.

China set his bag of medical supplies to the side. "You really have to ask, aru?" he said in a disappointed tone. "I wonder why. Could it perhaps be the opium wars?" He glared at England, tracing his nails along his patient's neck. "America participated, as well, of course, but he was only following the leader, was he not?" He turned his attention to the younger nation in question. "As for you, America... When do you intend to repay your debt to me? Or is your overinflated military budget really so important that you can't cut spending even a little bit?"

"I-I'm working on it" America said, a hint of fear in his voice. Who knew China could be so scary, "But please a little more time, I-I'm doing my best" he continued, not sounding convincing at all.

England scoffed, so that was what this was about. "Seriously you're still mad over that? It's been years and you have Hong Kong back so let us go" he said, trying not to