Fury of the Dragonborn (League of Legends Porn)

Story by Zirin

EDIT: I appear to have broken this post trying to edit a small detail and now it no longer shows line breaks. This is kind of the worst thing ever. Does anyone know how to fix? So, a recent move has left me with a 3 hour bus ride everyday to and from work and nothing to do during it, so I figured I'd give my brain some excercise and do some long overdue writing. This is only the second piece of smut I've ever written, and the first I've written in a long time, so I may be a bit out of practice. Hopefully some people will get some enjoyment out of it. All comments are much appreciated. Constructive criticism would be helpful (sadly, I'm fully aware I have some vocabulary issues I need to work on), but even if you've got nothing really constructive to add, just letting me know whether it was enjoyed or not will do wonders for encouraging me to do more in the future. Enjoy! EDIT: Added Chapter 2. Edit: Added Chapter 3. Edit: Added Chapter 4. EDIT: Chapter 5. EDIT: Added Chapter 6. EDIT: Added Chapter 7. "]A loud roar echoed throughout the jungle, setting birds aflight as the force of it made the trees shake and rustle. Lifting her head, Katarina watched a flock of avians flying overhead away from the terrifying sound, a wicked grin crossing her ruby lips. The red-headed assassin knew that bellowing roar well. Somebody had picked a fight with the dragon that made its home in the jungle, hoping to earn a quick bounty for its head. A risky move here on the fields of justice. If they succeeded, all the gold could purchase some powerful weapons, weapons that could turn the tide of battle in their favour. If they succeeded. The opportunistic assassin aimed to make sure they didn't. Making her way down the river that flowed past the dragon's home, Katarina stepped slowly, cautiously. She didn't want to give herself away by splash