Amy & Allie - The Beginning

Story by cin_amin

This is my first story given to the public. Thank you all in advance for being kind. :o)

One of the greatest joys is to be a parent. Watching your child grow both physically and intellectually is a never ending source of pride. Being a parent, can at times, be one of the most difficult things as well. Seeing your child upset, or in pain can tear your heart out. Especially when you’re not really sure why it’s happening. Sometimes in finding out, you not only learn about your child, but also learn about yourself.

Such was the case with my Allie. A petite bundle of dynamite, she has always been thing in my life that keeps me focused. It’s almost impossible to remain sullen when she sweeps into a room, taking it by storm - her personality reaching to touch everyone within her reach. A whirlwind? To be sure, certainly a force of nature, spreading cheer everywhere she goes. And goodness forbid you try and remain downcast - she will focus all her energies and love to bring a smile to your face, even if only for a moment.

She’s tiny - a firecracker for sure, barely 4’10” tall, and probably all of 85 pounds soaking wet. She has red hair like her mom and the deepest green eyes that sparkle when she’s “being Allie”. Adorable to a fault, drawing stares and glances from all she comes in contact (much to a mother’s chagrin). She’s slim but oh so ‘girly’. She always looks just right and takes great pride in making that happen. She is not a prima-dona, nor is she one he walks around with her nose in the air. She’s very down-to-earth and constantly smiling and giggling.

So, you can imagine my concern when over a three or four week period a while ago, she absolutely shut-down. She wasn’t outgoing, she wasn’t vivacious, she was no longer gregarious. She had quickly become a lump. Going to school, coming home, spending long hours in her room, making only a half-hearted attempt at eating, and so on. And it went on and on. To the point I had been talking to her doctor about it and she was concerned too. Prior to scheduling an appointment though, I tried to talk to her - a decision I now regret. My little baby doll, my best friend in the universe absolutely went off on me - her mother. Her eyes went wide, the tears flowed and so many words I had never heard before coming from my sweetie. Needless to say she would have nothing to do with the doctor, screaming again and again “You don’t understand me, you never have!” It was breaking my heart.

After seeking advice from pretty much anyone who would listen to me, a woman from my work suggested getting her away, out of her environment and trying to talk to her. It would, in theory catch her off-guard, maybe she’d open up. So, with her help, I hatched a plan to spirit her away for a weekend and try it. At this point I had nothing to lose - except perhaps my baby herself.

The surprise started when I