Girl Friday: Help Wanted

Story by TrekkieGal

Follow the entire series also at DeviantART

Chapter 1


Lilith Mephistopheles was probably one of the richest people in all of the city. She was very elegant and the picture of perfection, and rarely traveled outside her corporate office much, but today was different. She blended in with the masses as a busy afternoon sun beats down on the masses as they go to have lunch throughout the spacious plaza that was the mall entrance to her office skyscraper. Even for a chilly December afternoon not many seemed to care about the temperature as some watched the Christmas tree in the plaza, and others sat by the fountain that now served as a Christmas diorama. Among those sitting on a bench eating brown bagged lunches was two women that seemed oblivious as Lilith listened in on their conversation.

"Looks like this Christmas will be just as pathetic as last Christmas." said the Sun kissed haired woman.

"I don't believe they want to replace me after 4 years dealing with these crappy human interest bullshit. You know how much I hate reporting from petting zoos because some goat is giving birth to a kid?" replies the other.

"They must be playing for a younger audience considering you said she was 21. Apparently she's someone's daughter."

"Not even, I think she's Mr Benson's mysterious mistress. He has been riding my ass ever since I turned him down for a date 6 months ago. This is fucked up Sam; we're going to be homeless for 2012."

Sam sighs as she looks to the diorama. "We can sleep in the manger I guess Ash." Ash rolls her eyes as she then sighs herself. "OK, bad joke but all we can do now is laugh."

"What we need is a job, and good jobs at that."

"I know, I'm sick of working the worse hours and garbage days at the club. Too many idiots as well. It seems that all I attract are barflies and jerks."

"Well here it is, 9 days till Christmas, no money, and no rent."

"Maybe I can get you a job at the club?"

"Hell no, your boss is sleazy, the patrons are sleazy, and you never come home with more than $40 anyways. We need jobs Samantha, and we need them right now."

Just then they hear a woman clear her throat. They both turn to see the golden locks of Lilith standing before them with a smile.

"Hello ladies, I'm sorry to intrude but I couldn't help but overhear you plight, and I like to help." she says in a pleasant voice with a somewhat English accent.

Ash blinks as she looks to her. "Help us? Who are you?"
