Tinybob's 5x5 prompt story thread

Story by tinybob

Ok ladies and gentlemen and all combinations thereof. Here is my first story for the FP 5th b-day 5x5 kink challenge! Original Thread. I started out to write a test story, because, well, I've never written any story ever. So when this turned into a 2500+ word story, I was thoroughly surprised

Please comment and critique my work. If you don't, how will I ever get any better? Also, hopefully I can finish out the challenge, but I'm posting this for if I don't. Just making sure i get something out of this.:D

Also, redheadedness may prove to be a major theme

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" I asked.

She replied quite simply: "Yes."

Of course she was ready. After all, we had been preparing for this moment for months now. After all, this was going to be a momentous moment: our first attempt at anal sex. Soon my dreams would be realized.

It all started when i was 16. I had always known that I was different from other children, in that i was a futanari. This never really bothered me growing up, and i led a fairly relaxed life. It wasn't until puberty hit and I started developing sexually that any self-consciousness emerged. Even then, it probably wasn't much worse emotionally than any other teenager in that awkward time. Then it happened. My first erection (yes at 16, I was a late bloomer). Of course it happened as class. Don’t they all? Anyway, it was presentation day in English class, and I, luckily, had already finished mine. Lily Goutiere, however, was just being called up. Lily was about 5’ 9” with what I would describe as true beauty. Everything about her was beautiful, but not overstated. From her toned legs, to her small but firm ass, to her flat stomach and B cup breasts, finishing with her wonderfully cute face. Oh, and natural flaming red hair. Did I mention her hair? It was red. Bright, bright red with the slightest hint of orange in the shoulder length curls. Any guy would have killed to be with her, and up until today I would have let them go about that while I tucked in to a nice book. But ooooooohhhhhhhh nooooooooo. Today was to be different.

Since I had finished my presentation, I was letting my mind wander. It came back at rare occasions. Luckily one such occurrence was in time to watch Lily standing up, the smallest hint of a thong peaking over the top of her tight jeans. At that moment, everything changed. My body went to boner alert 7, and refused to focus on anything but Lily. Now, while the erection was a new experience, it was not an unexpected one. Of course I had learned a bit about it in health classes, so after the initial surprise at boner numero uno, I started to enjoy the experience. I also knew I wanted more. My lust was to be sated quite soon, fortunately. I had long known about porn, from talking to other girls and boys and