Tales of the Realm: The Chronicles of Ferrah - Ch. 0

Story by Sketch21

Soooo... Hey guys.

This is Blueversusred, again (my actual handle). It's been a while, huh? Time for another Ferrah Chapter.

I guess alot of newer FP members might not know this series, but then again, it was back in 2009 when the last chapter was released. For those not in the know, Ferrah is a magical fantasy place that is filled with various peoples. The fact that these denizens happen to be gorgeous futas means that sexy adventures are a frequent and unavoidable fact of life. Think dungeons and dragons + futas.

An anonymous commissioner was kind enough to motivate me to complete another chapter of the series. I was challenged to incorporate several new characters at the commissioners suggestion, I thought they turned out well. I took this opportunity to do a prequel/origin story for one of the previously introduced characters. In this case I wanted to shortly cover the pre-herstory of Ferrah along with a little more on magic in this chapter. There's also a bit more confrontational situations in this chapter (though always sexy).

Though the chapters are all episodic in nature, they do reference each other with some reoccurring characters. In this instance, I believe you would get a better experience by reading the series in the chronological order in which they were released (chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 0) as this builds upon a lot of the setting of Ferrah. But do which ever you want really, I can't stop you.

For those who would like to take a gander at the previous stories in the series, you can do so via the following links (or searching for 'ferrah' in the handy search functions)

Chapter 1: http://www.futanaripalace.com/showthread.php?t=171

Chapter 2: http://www.futanaripalace.com/showthread.php?t=1705

Chapter 3: http://www.futanaripalace.com/showthread.php?t=5483

Chapter 4: http://www.futanaripalace.com/showthread.php?t=20026

Comments/Feedback welcomed


Tales of the Realm: The Chronicles of Ferrah - Ch. 0

The world of Ferrah, since its very inception within the mists of time, is a world of stunning beauty and breathtaking vistas. The lands that encompass the known world comprise of countless vast domains of unfettered natural splendor. These natural energies eventually coalesced and were saturated within the very land itself; under the watchful light of the sun and moon these subtle forces slowly began to exude a vivid energy of primal power. This welling of unseen forces soon gave rise to the first vestiges of mystical power. Magic, as it soon became to known as, was not the exact practice as it is now understood. This supernatural force was much baser, an unpredictable manifestation of both fierce emotions and the primeval potency of nature and the land itself. Though naturally chaotic and fickle, this primal uncanny magic could be harnessed through various