One-Shot Story: Lenore

Story by Allen-Itami

Title: Lenore

Tags: Futa - Male, Mentions of Male - Female, Masturbation, spanking, anal, deep throating, face cumshot.

Short Summary: Onyx Silverfang is an assassin on a job. During his latest mission he fins himself attracted to a beautiful woman and winds up biting more than he can chew....

Author's Notes: this is my real first attempt at a story like this, so please be kind to it. If people like it enough then I actually have enough ideas to turn it into a full length story with a better backround and plot line. Just let me know, all right.

The Story:

The night air was chilling to the bone and slightly obscured by fog rolling in from the nearby ocean. The slightly wooded path of plain and rustic brick was only softly illuminated by the lamp posts that look rusted but were only modeled to look that way. Buildings all around the park were also rustic and old looking, despite each and every one being at the peak of what was able in that day's era of technology. The crescent moon shown a surprising amount of light over the park allowing even more light to be seen.

A man in a long black trench coat stood by one of the lamp posts, waving away a vender droid that offered him something warm to eat or drink. He pulled out a cigarette lighting it and taking a quick and long drag, letting the smoke float in the air before him. He looked up at a building that was taller then the rest, brightly lit and modern looking despite the rest of the area. His golden eyes traveled as high as possible before he wasn’t able to make out anything other then the glow of the lights.

A passing jogger caused him to nod at them politely, pulling his coat closer around him for warmth and readjusting the black scarf wrapped around his neck that also obscured most of his rather handsome face. The last thing he needed was for someone to recognize him and tell the police after this job was done.

He pulled out a thin black hair tie, using it to tie back his messy white hair into a short ponytail. Better to keep it out of his eyes, he reasoned as he used one hand to re-check the various weapons and equipment he had hidden under his close. He glanced around for any other passing joggers or pedestrians before finally making his move towards the tall modern building. Getting to the building wasn't hard in the dead of night, but getting inside would prove another matter all together. With security drones, cameras, heat signature radars, and that being just the simple security measures Onyx Silverfang knew his work was cut out for him. Still, his boss told him that this man had to die, so Onyx knew he had to get in. He'd all ready memorized each floor plan with each security code he needed. He just needed to get inside.

He got his break when he saw his target starting to drive towards the parking garage of the building, stopped for the required security check by the drones. Onyx flipped out a small device that resembled the 21st century touch screen cellpho