Collage Dreams

Story by Lexington

well i hope u like it, i just made it today on a whim. please constructive crticism only and if htere are enough replies i might make chapter 2

it does contain futa on mail but hes doin the pentration

Collage Dreams

Stephaney awoke in a cold sweat, it was 3 a.m. and class didn’t start for another 6 hours, for her at least. She was a relatively petite girl, with B sized breasts, and was 19. She was 5’2”, a little shorter than most women, had short black hair down past her ears, had milky white skin, and her black wire-framed glasses laid on her nightstand. As she laid there thinking about her first day of collage she was nervous, she had never been away from her family before and was scared. It didn’t help that she just got ready and moved in the night before; she didn’t have a chance to find her classes. Her roommate, Melinda, was nice though. They had a couple of classes together so that calmed her down a little. Soon she drifted back off to sleep, although reluctantly.

Next morning she awoke with a start as Melinda was roughly shaking her. “Get up Steph were gona be late!” said Melinda. At this her eyes shot open and looked at her nightstand, the clock said it was 4 but she knew that wasn’t right, the power went off and reset her alarm clock. She quickly got out of bed and got changed, she noticed that Melinda had already changed and thought it wasn’t very nice that she didn’t tell her earlier but the thought quickly passed. She stripped and dressed in a blur with her back to Melinda. Melinda barley got a look at her new friends’ breasts; she cursed herself under her breath. Melinda, a 19 year old beauty in her own way, was a little taller than Steph, only by 1 or 2 inches, had a more developed chest, although not by much, was tanned a little, and had long brown hair past her shoulders. She was wearing baggy camo cargo pants and an Army T-shirt that accentuated her breasts, and her hair was done up in a pony tail. As soon as Steph was done changing out of her overly-large t-shirt and cloth shorts she was wearing skin tight jeans and a horizontal striped blue-white shirt with a white collar. She grabbed her glasses and quickly put them and her watch on, when she was running out or her room with Melinda she stopped to grab her backpack and looked at the time. It was 8:55 a.m. class started in less than 5 minutes!

By some sort of miracle they got there on time, Melinda told her earlier it would generally take 10 minutes to get across campus. When they got there they were glad they made it on their first day. Only a few seats remained open. When they were looking for a place to sit Steph noticed a person from her school was waving to her from the back. It was Dan. She did have a little thing for him back in high school but the thought never crossed her mind. He had long brown hair pulled back in a pony tail with a rubber band and