A Cuddly Couple

Story by Feraldeath

Here is my newest story for a friend from FA

We have two furry canine/ beartaur herm lovers spending an over sexed time at their place

It gets quite messy. I hope you all enjoy it.

"A Cuddly Couple"

Story by: Feral http://www.furaffinity.net/user/feraldeath/

Jennifer and Blue © http://www.furaffinity.net/user/longblueclaw/

She sat there in momentary bliss at the local beauty salon in the manicuring chair. Her favorite attendant, Alfonso,

worked diligently one by one on her nearly four inched, light-blue claws. Blue zoned in and out as Alfonso worked his magic.

Occasionally she curled her toes and caused the six inches claws on her feet to scratch and tink against the floor. Her long

dark blue hair draped across the back of the chair and almost touched the floor. Curled around the chairs base was her very

fluffy foxtail that occasionally brushed by her curling toe-claws. She was dressed in light grey suit that fit her frame

nicely, yet hid small patches of chub from the public eye. Not that she hated her slight size, looking the part was half the

interview process. An interview which she passed with flying colors.

The interview had gone so well, she decided a reward was in order and thus here she was. Blue-Snow did her best to

avoid slumbering in the chair, but most of the time it was of no use. This time however, her cell rang and jostled her out her

blissful daze. Her sky blue eyes scanned the screen and saw her girlfriend's, Jennifer, pink furred face on the screen.

Flipping it open with her non busy hand she answered cheerfully.

"Hey bunny."

"Don't hey bunny me. How'd it go."

"I'm not sure. Hey, Alfonso, how did my interview go?", she answered playfully. Jennifer squealed over the phone loud

enough that Alfonso had to stop and turn his head. Blue mouthed an apology to him. "So what's on your mind?"

"Not too much. Why dontcha meet me at the park so we can celebrate?"

"That's sounds like a plan. I'm pretty much done here. See ya in ten Teddybear." Blue quickly closed the phone but

not before she heard an angry growl escape Jen. She hated that nickname. Alfonso looked happy with himself and Blue looked

over her smooth manicured claws that reflected her grin in them.


Jennifer Macblueclaw sat in the sunshine at the local park that wasn't too far from her lakeside cabin. She loved the

fresh air that Europe had to offer, especially the more rural parts. It was such an inconvenience to her to be in a packed city.

Mainly this was due to her size. Being a plump beartaur didn't quite make it easy to walk on a busy sidewalk and the few

times she took to the streets the cars angrily honked at her. This small city environment was much nicer.

Jen rolled onto her back and stretched her large frame out