"GIRLS ARE ALLOWED": a Jimmy Neutron parody

Story by novacane

Hey peeps. I feel that considering that I've put my Avatar parody on hiatus and that the Zombieland story is taking a little long (in a way, you can blame Columbus for that...), I'd post this naughty little thing I wrote and finished some time ago, but had always been afraid to post. It's probably odd considering the show it's based on, but I guess at the time I felt these kids deserved some happy happy fun time of their own. Anyway, it's here now, and up for your 'scrutiny'. :p

So, enjoy! I'm looking forward to your reviews.

Disclaimer: I do not own Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius nor any of its characters - this is purely a work of parody and fan fiction.

Warning: Contains Graphic Loli

Pairings: M/Sm x2


by novacane

“Mmm, what a relief,” sighed a perspiring blonde eleven-year-old dreamily, her dazed green eyes expressing utter relief as she entered the clubhouse. “I can’t wait until we get further down into your lab, Jimmy.”

“Me too, Cindy,” agreed her companion – a brown-haired blue-eyed genius inventor with jeans and trademark red t-shirt. “The air-conditioning may be on the fritz, but I do have a mini-fridge with some Purple Flurp!”

“Looking forward to that!” exclaimed her friend, her pace livelier to this new information.

The pair eventually reach an elevator and make their quick decent into Jimmy’s sacred scientific coven, six-hundred feet underground. As Jimmy had indicated regarding the air-conditioning, it wasn’t much better down here than it was up top (especially considering that Jimmy was using thermal energy to power his lab), but a little less heat was better than nothing, they both agreed. They eventually made their way down the corridor that led right into the lab. Cindy ran in, kicking off her shoes to stretch lazily reveling in the vast space provided by Jimmy’s lab, a large chamber which included a giant supercomputer dominating one of the cavern walls; a small lounging area with a tv, couch, and a nearby cot (which looked like it had recently been used); and of course the desks and tables and shelves and hooks and displays that held all of Jimmy’s past inventions, experiments, chemicals, parts, and assorted equipment. Cindy easily makes herself at home, tugging a little at her green halter top and kicking off her shoes. Jimmy decided to kick off his own footwear as well, and prepared to ask Cindy when exactly her mother was expecting her home…

And that was when he saw her already pulling off her khaki Capri pants… displaying a pair of slightly distended white panties at her hips.

Of course, she did this most inappropriate act right in front of her genius boyfriend, whose jaw had dropped to the floor; she had obviously become a little too accus