Step by Stepsister Chp 3 is FINALLY here

Story by Zixtank

Okay, if chp 2 took long to finish, its nothign against chp 3 and for that I bow my head in apology. Seriously.

the reason for it... I don't really have one. I'd love to say it was due to school and work, but that's only 40% true. I've been 35% lazy and the remaining 25% have been due to a writing block.

So, anyways. I've been writing on this about once a week since I finished chp 2 (well at the very least I've tried to), so sorry if there's some minor inconsittensies (I have no idea how to spell that word).

Either way, here are the links to the previous chapters in case you wanna read up on it and chapter 3 is below in the spiler tag. Hope you enjoy reading and please give lots of criticism :D

Chp 1:

Chp 2:

And here's numbah 3. Enjoy =D

Step by Stepsister

Chp 3

The Face-down Wild Card

“’Scuse me? Could you repeat that last one?”

Gina sighed as she headed to a large mirror in the corner to do her makeup.

“We’re not celebrating our first week of nonstop sex at home, you idiot.” She said, her cheerfulness having been swallowed up by her impatience of me (according to her and Nicole) acting dumb. “So get dressed or you’ll be going naked.”

“Going where?” I asked. “You don’t expect me to go out downtown, do you?”

In my whole seventeen years of age, I never even once thought I would ever meet anyone who could produce more freaky smiles than the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. That was before these two however.

“So, hurry up, will you?” Nicole said and started rummaging in her closet that was as big compared to the room as her chest compared to herself. In other words, ginormous.

“Hurry with what?” I asked.

“Getting dressed and doing your makeup. Tonight, you’ll be posing as Danielle.” Nicole said as she looked over a couple of dresses.

“Oh no. No, no and for the love of all that is good, no.” I said, shaking my hands and waving my arms. “Around the neighborhood is one thing, but going downtown dressed as a chick and on top of that drinking. No! Fucking! WAY!”

“Yes fucking way,” Nicole said and tossed me a pair of black panties with pink lace and a matching bra, both being so small I could imagine this couldn’t have fitted her since she was fourteen. How long do girls keep their no longer usable clothes? “As I said, get dressed or you’ll be going out naked.”

“Why do I need to listen to you two about this? I thought we agreed to be a little more considerate of each other.” I snapped. “Did you lie about that?”

Gina sighed deeply as she opened a small bottle of nail polish.

“You think we’re inconsiderate, don’t you?” Nicole asked, walking up to me