Missy on the Prowl

Story by cuteycindyhoney

Missy on the Prowl

By Honey Moon

Summery: On her eighteenth birthday, a young woman with a secret decides she has no need of her virginity. The beautiful redheaded hermaphrodite plans to alleviate this distressing condition and sets her mind to hunting down a suitable partner. Missy is sure of one thing. She doesn’t much care if her intended partner is actually willing to help her in this personal matter.

Chapter 01: A Predator is Born!

Missy Conrad made up her mind that very morning. On the dawn of her eighteenth birthday, she decided to make a major change in her personal life. In her humble opinion, eighteen was far too old to still be a virgin. She was determined to rectify that distressing condition just as soon as she possibly could. The five foot even redheaded beauty sighed. It wasn’t going to be easy. One would think with a body like hers there would be no end of willing partners, but that wasn’t the case.

Oh sure, guys stared at her all the time. With the crook of one finger, she knew she could bed any guy on campus. They all were drawn like bees to a field of flowers by her 34D bust and wide flaring hips. She actually heard a neighbor woman once comment on how her hourglass figure was the perfect body type for birthing babies, so men would always be attracted to her at an instinctual level as they sought to spread their seed. Her green eyes flashed emerald fire at that memory. “Not likely!” Missy hissed as she tossed her long red hair impatiently.

She had no interest in letting a male rut on her like some crazed animal in an attempt to put his baby in her belly! Missy was nobody’s brood mare! There was no way she was going to be a baby factory! She took solace in what she thought of as her strength. There weren’t all that many men that would want anything to do with her if they actually saw her naked!

Although she kept it a secret from the world, Missy wasn’t ashamed. It was just a matter of practicality. She was such a rarity that people would probably be upset, maybe even frightened, if the knowledge of her superior physiology were widely known. She was in fact, sincerely proud of the penis that jutted out just above her well formed and rather pretty vagina.

Just after her eleventh birthday, Missy had accidentally discovered that her well guarded secret was fully functional. She had begun having these rather embarrassing interludes when her little bit extra would grow to almost alarming length and girth. It usually happened if she saw a pretty girl on TV, or if she happened to catch a glimpse of momma getting dressed or something. She kept this development to herself, wisely deciding not to bother her mother with it. Looking it up online, she learned it was called “Being Aroused” or “Having an Erection”.

She would have looked up more about her condition, but the child safety software momma had installed on her