Snakebite: A Futa Western

Story by Sajukno

Snakebite: A Futa Western revolves around the adventures of Samantha Wise, a female bounty hunter in the Wild West who's packing more than just six-shooters, as she plys her craft in the rough-and-tumble town of Snakebite, Arizona in the heyday of the Wild West.

The "snake" here is, of course, of the trouser variety. ;)

Samantha is 5'9" tall, with long brown hair that she wears in a ponytail, and has blue eyes. Her E-cup breasts are barely contained by a black leather corset, over which she wears the traditional leather cowboy jacket. She has a revolver on each hip, in fine leather holsters, held together by a belt. Sam wears brown leather chaps that, through careful garmet design, manage to totally conceal her massive cock, which is a foot long when erect. She wears heeled leather cowboy boots with spurs. On her head, Sam wears a typical cowboy (cow-futa?) hat which she loves more than anything and never takes off, not even during sex (and believe me, Sam will be having a lot of sex in this story!).

It was a slow day in the town of Snakebite, Arizona. But then again, it was always a slow day there. The gold rush had come and gone, but Snakebite had not gone the way of countless other boom towns, somehow finding a way to keep itself alive after all interest in the area had gone. The dry, hot desert winds whipped through the near-empty street, rattling the shutters of the wooden buildings that lined the only road in town. Snakebite was the last desolate stop before Mexico, a few dozen miles to the south. All manner of outlaw, fortune seeker, and traveler had traveled through this desolate town, but none were quite like the figure who slowly approached on horseback, the gentle clopping of hooves against the sand and the tinkling of guns in their holsters being the only sound coming from this new arrival. The few people out and about looked on with a mix of fear, suspicion and curiosity as this stranger rambled into their town. Out of the small, ramshackle sheriff's office came Snakebite's resident sheriff, an old man with a fading badge and a gray beard. Timidly, he approached the stranger.

"You new in town?"

The figure on the horse only nodded.

"I seen your guns and I just want you to know that we don't want no trouble here, lady," the aging sheriff said timidly.

"I don't get any trouble, I won't give any trouble," the woman on the horse said gruffly. "Now where can a woman get a drink around here?"

The sheriff pointed a finger toward the other side of town. "Saloon's over there," he gulped. "We don't want no trouble," he said, immediately regretting that statement as he was shot a look more damaging than a hundred bullets. The mysterious woman headed over to the saloon, hitching her horse outside. She walked up to the double doors and swung them open, her eyes adjusting to the dusty darkness of the dingy saloon, taking in what little th