The Curious Case of Victoria Sullivan [Futa/F, Size, Age, Incest]

Story by storyposter

This is really more of a check of interest. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update, or if anyone will even want to read this, but it's been on my mind and I wanted to get it out there. Let me know!

The beginning is a bit of a slow burn, with a relatively short "payoff." So, there's your warning.

Ten years ago, Viotran, was pulled from the market after an unexpected interference with a rare genetic anomaly was found to cause severe birth defects in affected children conceived within 3 months of the last dose. The children were born with unusual and sexually dimorphic characteristics.

These were the facts as stated in the blurb on the front page of the popular newsfeed as Anne Sullivan closed the window. They seemed so cold, so distant and clinical. They gave no indication of what it meant to the affected families to be told their child was different, was outside the established realm of human definition. She sighed, and closed the laptop, shrugged off the baggy shirt she’d slept in and plodded towards the bathroom.

It was a Saturday, probably around ten in the morning as far as she could tell. Clocks and time seemed to actively avoid her easy grasp. This was the interesting affect wealth had applied to her life. Winning the lottery had insured her family’s financial wellbeing for the rest of their lives, taken the burden and stress of the workaday world from her and her husband’s shoulders and given them time to live life the way they wanted, to travel, to start a family, to see the world and fulfill their fantasies.

And yet, on this morning, as most mornings, something was missing. Lethargy had consumed Anne’s life – perhaps not always physical, but emotional and spiritual. She and Rick had traveled, they’d seen the wonders of the world and tasted exotic foods, smelled exotic flowers and sat idle on beaches of pure white sand. This was the dream they’d been told about their entire young lives, the path towards a happy, rounded life. After their adventuring had lost its sheen, they even started a family, albeit with a little help. Enter the void.

Viotran had robbed the happy, wealthy couple of their dream.

Victoria Christiana Sulllivan was born ten years ago - a happy, healthy, smiling bundle of joy. That was the story, the lie they told any time anyone asked. She was the same as any other girl, she laughed and played and watched cartoons. She begged her parents for the latest toys and the cutest clothes, for princess costumes and hottest albums. She was a raven haired angel, swooping about the playground with her friends as her parents looked on and flashed the practiced smiles that told the world there was nothing wrong, nothing to fear.

In truth, it was an absence that cast a pall over their ideal family. Victoria was born physically female, a beautiful young girl in every aspect, and for all intents and purposes would mature no different than the others in