Fill 'er Up!

Story by Panther

This is a story I wrote for the Write a short story for the pic above you thread.

I wanted to pop it out here, too, for everyone to get a chance to read and critique it. Let me know what you think!

Pic Story is based on:

Bambi was already on her way out of town when she realized that she had forgotten to fill up the tank. With the sky-touching buildings of the city fading behind her and nothing but the desert stretched out in front of her, she watched anxiously as the needle on her gas meter slowly crept it’s way closer and closer to empty. Turning back may already be out of the question. With a full trunk and places to be, Bambi had already come too far and she probably wouldn’t make it back to the safe confines of the city or not meet her deadline if she did.

She frowned a cute frown, her lower lip quivering in a pout that no one was around to appreciate. The warm sun tanned her right arm as it basked in the warm glow of the early afternoon, the engine of her European sports car humming with power. With a sigh of resignation, the tall blonde looked up in her rearview mirror, about ready to turn around and make the attempt, when something creeping up from over the hill caught her eye.

It was sign.

It was a ‘gas station’ sign!

It was salvation beyond the sand dunes and it brought a buoyant smile back to her face.

Her long toes clenched in her heeled sandals, the straps lacing up her shapely calves, as she pressed down on the heavy accelerator. Short on cash, Bambi slid up her skirt, exposing a few more inches of smooth thigh, in hopes of flirting a bit of fuel on the house from a lonely attendant in the middle of the desert. Her lipstick was perfect, her blue eyes sparkling, and her huge breasts were firm and on display in the tight confines of a blue tank top that pushed up their impressive size together in a torrid display of her incredible sexuality. She took in a deep breath, feeling the cotton stretch around her cups, and clicked on her signal to exit the highway.

The road was empty, barren except for scant tumbleweeds and a few lone cacti dotting the landscape, only that up and coming sign offering any true scenery. And as it got closer and closer, the station itself didn’t prove much comfort as it had that tinge of abandonment and disrepair. A sign offering reasonable prices granted slight reprieve, but when she saw the back of tall attendant with a ponytail and a baseball cap, Bambi let the feeling of relief wash over her. Giving her nipples one last pinch, allowing the firming tips an added rush to push themselves out in evident glory, she pulled up to a pump and gave t